Add chart Toggle to turn on reward chart real time in game.
Add enemy num changer, now can change enemy num in game.
Change facing to enemy reward function, while facing center line far from enemy will not get reward any more.
add new reward function in attack mode
calculate distance between closest enemy and facing center line.
let agent could spawn in whole map area.
add penalty while mouseX is moving.
move remain time position after target state
easier game reward get, while watching or shoot at target area u get reward(attack mode), watching enemy u also get reward(Freemode)
add spin penalty while agent keep spin will give a penalty reward.
lower Go target in area reward.
fix scene only spawn in a small area in center.
delete room type attack target.
make no more enemy spawn in go target.
free mode enemy number change to 3.
add side channel to let python side know which target got win or lose.
fix update time bug. may cause double gameover check.(got another lose after reset the game.)