151 lines
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151 lines
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using DG.Tweening; // Importing the DOTween library for smooth animations.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems; // Using the EventSystem to handle UI interactions.
public class UIVisibilityController : MonoBehaviour
private GameObject targetUIObj;
private GameObject triggerUIObj;
private GameObject canvasObj;
private Vector3 slideDirection = Vector3.zero;
private Vector3 slideDistance = Vector3.zero;
private float slideDuration = 0.2f;
// Cached positions and states for logic and animation.
private Vector3 targetOriginalPosition;
private Vector3 triggerOriginalPosition;
private Vector3 targetEndPosition;
private Vector3 triggerEndPosition;
private Vector3 originalCanvasPosition;
private bool isInActive = true; // Indicates if the UI is currently inactive.
private bool isOutActive = false; // Indicates if the UI is currently active.
private bool isMouseInTarget = false; // Is the mouse currently over the target UI?
private bool isMouseInTrigger = false; // Is the mouse currently over the trigger UI?
private void Start()
// Initial setup of component's states and values.
private void InitializeCanvasPosition()
if (canvasObj == null)
// Set canvasObj to the parent if not assigned.
canvasObj = transform.parent.gameObject;
originalCanvasPosition = canvasObj.transform.position;
private void InitializeSlideValues()
if (slideDirection == Vector3.zero)
// default slide direction is up (set to right).
slideDirection = Vector3.right;
Debug.LogError("SliderDirection not set, set default right");
if (slideDistance == Vector3.zero)
// default slide distance is based on targetUIObj dimensions.
RectTransform targetRT = targetUIObj.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
slideDistance = new Vector3(targetRT.rect.width, targetRT.rect.height, 0);
// Determine the start and end positions for sliding.
targetOriginalPosition = targetUIObj.transform.position;
triggerOriginalPosition = triggerUIObj.transform.position;
targetEndPosition = targetOriginalPosition + Vector3.Scale(slideDirection, slideDistance);
triggerEndPosition = triggerOriginalPosition + Vector3.Scale(slideDirection, slideDistance);
private void InitializeEventTrigger()
// Setting up event triggers for mouse interactions.
EventTrigger triggerObjET = triggerUIObj.GetComponent<EventTrigger>();
if (triggerObjET == null)
triggerObjET = triggerUIObj.AddComponent<EventTrigger>();
EventTrigger targetObjET = targetUIObj.GetComponent<EventTrigger>();
if (targetObjET == null)
targetObjET = targetUIObj.AddComponent<EventTrigger>();
triggerObjET.AddEventTrigger(EventTriggerType.PointerEnter, (eventData) => OnMouseIn(triggerUIObj));
triggerObjET.AddEventTrigger(EventTriggerType.PointerExit, (eventData) => OnMouseOut(triggerUIObj));
targetObjET.AddEventTrigger(EventTriggerType.PointerEnter, (eventData) => OnMouseIn(targetUIObj));
targetObjET.AddEventTrigger(EventTriggerType.PointerExit, (eventData) => OnMouseOut(targetUIObj));
private void Update()
// Check mouse interactions to determine whether to slide in or out the UI.
if ((isMouseInTrigger || isMouseInTarget) && isInActive)
isInActive = false;
isOutActive = true;
else if (!isMouseInTrigger && !isMouseInTarget && isOutActive)
isInActive = true;
isOutActive = false;
private void OnMouseIn(GameObject type)
// Update flags based on which UI object the mouse enters.
if (type == triggerUIObj)
isMouseInTrigger = true;
else if (type == targetUIObj)
isMouseInTarget = true;
private void OnMouseOut(GameObject type)
// Update flags based on which UI object the mouse exits.
if (type == triggerUIObj)
isMouseInTrigger = false;
else if (type == targetUIObj)
isMouseInTarget = false;
private void SlideInScreen()
// Animate the UI objects to slide in.
triggerUIObj.transform.DOMove(triggerEndPosition, slideDuration).SetEase(Ease.OutCirc).Play();
targetUIObj.transform.DOMove(targetEndPosition, slideDuration).SetEase(Ease.OutCirc).Play();
private void SlideOutScreen()
// Animate the UI objects to slide out.
triggerUIObj.transform.DOMove(triggerOriginalPosition, slideDuration).SetEase(Ease.OutCirc).Play();
targetUIObj.transform.DOMove(targetOriginalPosition, slideDuration).SetEase(Ease.OutCirc).Play();