214 lines
7.1 KiB
214 lines
7.1 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SceneBlock : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject fireBasesAreaObj;
public GameObject enemyContainerObj;
public float group1InareaNum = 0;
public float group2InareaNum = 0;
public float belongRatio = 0;
public float blockSize = 10f;
public Vector3 firebasesAreaPosition;
public float firebasesAreaScale;
public float firebasesAreaDiameter;
public enum SceneType
{ Go, Attack, Defence }
public SceneType sceneType;
public bool isDestroyed = false;
// firebase state
public string group1Tag = "Player";
public string group2Tag = "Enemy";
public float belongMaxPoint = 10f;
public float firebasesBelong; // -10 mean's belon to group2Tag 10 = belon to group1Tag
public float addPointInterval = 0.1f; // add point every addPointInterval scecond
public float stayTimeNeeded = 5f; // howmany time to stay at area to get this area 0->10
private float addPointEachInterval; // add point in each interval
private float intervalStart;
private GameObject environmentObj;
public GameObject[] group1Objs;
public GameObject[] group2Objs;
// Start is called before the first frame update
private void Start()
intervalStart = Time.time;
// Update is called once per frame
private void Update()
if (Time.time - intervalStart >= addPointInterval)
// update belong ratio every addPointInterval scecond
group1InareaNum = GetInAreaNumber(group1Tag);
group2InareaNum = GetInAreaNumber(group2Tag);
belongRatio = group1InareaNum - group2InareaNum;
if (belongRatio > 0)
// group 1 have the advantage!
firebasesBelong += addPointEachInterval;
if (firebasesBelong >= belongMaxPoint)
firebasesBelong = belongMaxPoint;
else if (belongRatio < 0)
// group 2 have the advantage!
firebasesBelong -= addPointEachInterval;
if (firebasesBelong <= -belongMaxPoint)
firebasesBelong = -belongMaxPoint;
intervalStart = Time.time;
//Initialize this scene block should be excuted after enemy created
public void InitBlock(GameObject envObj)
//Buffer all Player or enemy obj int this environment to list
environmentObj = envObj;
GameObject[] allGroup1Objs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(group1Tag);
GameObject[] allGroup2Objs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(group2Tag);
List<GameObject> group1ObjsList = new List<GameObject>();
List<GameObject> group2ObjsList = new List<GameObject>();
foreach (GameObject obj in allGroup1Objs)
if (obj.transform.root.gameObject == envObj && !obj.GetComponent<States>().isDead)
foreach (GameObject obj in allGroup2Objs)
if (obj.transform.root.gameObject == envObj && !obj.GetComponent<States>().isDead)
group1Objs = group1ObjsList.ToArray();
group2Objs = group2ObjsList.ToArray();
// if firebasesAreaObj is null, find sub object by name
if (fireBasesAreaObj == null)
// Debug.Log("SceneBlock.Start: fireBasesAreaObj not found, get it by name");
fireBasesAreaObj = transform.Find("FirebasesArea").gameObject;
// if enemyContainerObj is null, find them by name
if (enemyContainerObj == null)
// Debug.Log("SceneBlock.Start: enemyContainerObj not found, get it by name");
enemyContainerObj = transform.Find("EnemyContainer").gameObject;
firebasesAreaPosition = transform.position + fireBasesAreaObj.transform.position;
firebasesAreaScale = fireBasesAreaObj.transform.localScale.x;
firebasesAreaDiameter = firebasesAreaScale * blockSize;
firebasesBelong = -belongMaxPoint;
addPointEachInterval = belongMaxPoint / (stayTimeNeeded / addPointInterval);
intervalStart = Time.time;
//check game over 0=notover 1=win
public int CheckOver()
return 0;
// get in area player number by tag
public float GetInAreaNumber(string thisTag)
float inAreaNum = 0;
float dist = 0f;
float isInarea = 0f;
int index = 0;
if (thisTag == group1Tag)
foreach (GameObject obj in group1Objs)
// if object is dead then delete it from list
if (obj == null)
// delete null object from list
List<GameObject> group1ObjsList = new List<GameObject>(group1Objs);
group1Objs = group1ObjsList.ToArray();
(dist, isInarea) = GetDistInArea(obj.transform.position);
if (isInarea != 0f)
inAreaNum += 1;
else if (thisTag == group2Tag)
foreach (GameObject obj in group2Objs)
// if object is dead then delete it from list
if (obj == null)
// delete null object from list
List<GameObject> group2ObjsList = new List<GameObject>(group2Objs);
group2Objs = group2ObjsList.ToArray();
(dist, isInarea) = GetDistInArea(obj.transform.position);
if (isInarea != 0f)
inAreaNum += 1;
return inAreaNum;
// get this position and target's distance and is in firebase area
public (float, int) GetDistInArea(Vector3 thisPosition)
thisPosition.y = fireBasesAreaObj.transform.position.y;
float dist = Vector3.Distance(thisPosition, fireBasesAreaObj.transform.position) - (firebasesAreaDiameter / 2);
int isinarea = 0;
if (dist <= 0)
dist = 0f;
isinarea = 1;
isinarea = 0;
return (dist, isinarea);
//destroy this block
public void DestroyMe()
foreach (Transform childObj in enemyContainerObj.transform)
isDestroyed = true;
} |