Add chart Toggle to turn on reward chart real time in game. Add enemy num changer, now can change enemy num in game. Change facing to enemy reward function, while facing center line far from enemy will not get reward any more.
226 lines
5.9 KiB
226 lines
5.9 KiB
// FreeFlyCamera (Version 1.2) //
// (c) 2019 Sergey Stafeyev //
using UnityEngine;
public class FreeFlyCamera : MonoBehaviour
#region UI
[Tooltip("The script is currently active")]
private bool _active = true;
[Tooltip("Camera rotation by mouse movement is active")]
private bool _enableRotation = true;
[Tooltip("Sensitivity of mouse rotation")]
private float _mouseSense = 1.8f;
[Tooltip("Camera zooming in/out by 'Mouse Scroll Wheel' is active")]
private bool _enableTranslation = true;
[Tooltip("Velocity of camera zooming in/out")]
private float _translationSpeed = 55f;
[Tooltip("Camera movement by 'W','A','S','D','Q','E' keys is active")]
private bool _enableMovement = true;
[Tooltip("Camera movement speed")]
private float _movementSpeed = 10f;
[Tooltip("Speed of the quick camera movement when holding the 'Left Shift' key")]
private float _boostedSpeed = 50f;
[Tooltip("Boost speed")]
private KeyCode _boostSpeed = KeyCode.LeftShift;
[Tooltip("Move up")]
private KeyCode _moveUp = KeyCode.E;
[Tooltip("Move down")]
private KeyCode _moveDown = KeyCode.Q;
[Tooltip("Acceleration at camera movement is active")]
private bool _enableSpeedAcceleration = true;
[Tooltip("Rate which is applied during camera movement")]
private float _speedAccelerationFactor = 1.5f;
[Tooltip("This keypress will move the camera to initialization position")]
private KeyCode _initPositonButton = KeyCode.R;
#endregion UI
private CursorLockMode _wantedMode;
private float _currentIncrease = 1;
private float _currentIncreaseMem = 0;
private Vector3 _initPosition;
private Vector3 _initRotation;
private void OnValidate()
if (_boostedSpeed < _movementSpeed)
_boostedSpeed = _movementSpeed;
private void Start()
_initPosition = transform.position;
_initRotation = transform.eulerAngles;
private void OnEnable()
if (_active)
_wantedMode = CursorLockMode.Locked;
// Apply requested cursor state
private void SetCursorState()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
Cursor.lockState = _wantedMode = CursorLockMode.None;
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
_wantedMode = CursorLockMode.Locked;
// Apply cursor state
Cursor.lockState = _wantedMode;
// Hide cursor when locking
Cursor.visible = (CursorLockMode.Locked != _wantedMode);
private void CalculateCurrentIncrease(bool moving)
_currentIncrease = Time.deltaTime;
if (!_enableSpeedAcceleration || _enableSpeedAcceleration && !moving)
_currentIncreaseMem = 0;
_currentIncreaseMem += Time.deltaTime * (_speedAccelerationFactor - 1);
_currentIncrease = Time.deltaTime + Mathf.Pow(_currentIncreaseMem, 3) * Time.deltaTime;
private void Update()
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.M))
_active = !_active;
if (!_active)
Cursor.lockState = _wantedMode = CursorLockMode.None;
Cursor.visible = (CursorLockMode.Locked != _wantedMode);
if (Cursor.visible)
// Translation
if (_enableTranslation)
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * Time.deltaTime * _translationSpeed);
// Movement
if (_enableMovement)
Vector3 deltaPosition =;
float currentSpeed = _movementSpeed;
if (Input.GetKey(_boostSpeed))
currentSpeed = _boostedSpeed;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W))
deltaPosition += transform.forward;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
deltaPosition -= transform.forward;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
deltaPosition -= transform.right;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
deltaPosition += transform.right;
if (Input.GetKey(_moveUp))
deltaPosition += transform.up;
if (Input.GetKey(_moveDown))
deltaPosition -= transform.up;
// Calc acceleration
CalculateCurrentIncrease(deltaPosition !=;
transform.position += deltaPosition * currentSpeed * _currentIncrease;
// Rotation
if (_enableRotation)
// Pitch
transform.rotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(
-Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * _mouseSense,
// Paw
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(
transform.eulerAngles.y + Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * _mouseSense,
// Return to init position
if (Input.GetKeyDown(_initPositonButton))
transform.position = _initPosition;
transform.eulerAngles = _initRotation;