using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class SingleLevelProbabilityPanel : MonoBehaviour
public TextMeshProUGUI levelNameText;
public TMP_InputField inputField;
public Button lockButton;
public Image lockImg;
public Image unlockImg;
public Slider probabilitySlider;
private float probabilityValue = 0f;
private bool isLocked = false;
/// Initialize the level probability panel, setting the level name and probability value.
/// The level name.
/// The probability value.
public void InitializeLevelProbabilityPanel(string levelName, float probability)
/// Initialize the level probability panel, setting the level number and probability value.
/// The level number.
/// The probability value.
public void InitializeLevelProbabilityPanel(int levelName, float probability)
/// Set the level name.
/// The level name.
public void SetLevelName(string levelName)
levelNameText.text = levelName;
/// Set the level name.
/// The level number.
public void SetLevelName(int levelName)
levelNameText.text = "Level" + levelName.ToString();
/// Set the probability value.
/// The probability value.
public void SetProbability(float prob)
probabilityValue = prob;
/// Updates the probability text display and can optionally synchronize the probability slider update.
/// The probability value (optional).
/// Whether to synchronize the probability slider update (default is false).
/// If a probability value (value) is provided, it updates the probability text using that value. Otherwise, it parses the percentage value from the input field and updates the text.
/// If syncToSlider is true, it also synchronizes the probability slider update.
public void UpdateProbabilityText(float? value = null)
if (value != null)
probabilityValue = (float)value;
inputField.text = (probabilityValue * 100f).ToString("F1") + "%";
/// Updates the value of the probability slider and can optionally synchronize the probability text update.
/// The probability value (optional).
/// Whether to synchronize the probability text update (default is false).
/// If a probability value (value) is provided, it updates the probability slider using that value. Otherwise, it parses the percentage value from the input field and updates the slider.
/// If syncToText is true, it also synchronizes the probability text update.
public void UpdateProbabilitySlider(float? value = null)
if (value != null)
probabilityValue = (float)value;
probabilitySlider.value = probabilityValue;
/// Gets the current probability value.
/// This property allows external code to read the current probability value.
public float ProbabilityValue
get { return probabilityValue; }
/// Gets a value indicating whether the object is locked.
/// Returns true if the object is locked; otherwise, returns false.
public bool IsLocked
get { return isLocked; }
/// Gets a value indicating whether the object is unlocked.
/// Returns true if the object is unlocked; otherwise, returns false.
public bool UnLocked
get { return !isLocked; }
private void InitializeButton()
EventTrigger eventTrigger = lockButton.GetComponent();
if (eventTrigger == null)
eventTrigger = lockButton.gameObject.AddComponent();
EventTrigger.Entry entry = new EventTrigger.Entry();
entry.eventID = EventTriggerType.PointerClick;
entry.callback.AddListener((data) => { OnLockButtonClicked(); });
// set lockImg as Unlock
isLocked = false;
private void OnLockButtonClicked()
isLocked = !isLocked;
probabilitySlider.interactable = !isLocked;
inputField.interactable = !isLocked;
private void UpdateLockImg()