using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; public class RewardFunction : MonoBehaviour { public enum EndType { Win, Lose, Running, Num }; [SerializeField] private GameObject parameterContainerObj; [SerializeField] private GameObject sceneBlockContainerObj; [SerializeField] private GameObject targetControllerObj; [SerializeField] private GameObject environmentUIObj; [SerializeField] private GameObject commonParameterContainerObj; [SerializeField] private GameObject enemyContainerObj; private GameObject agentObj; private Camera fpsCam; private CommonParameterContainer commonParamCon; private SceneBlockContainer sceneBlockCon; private ParameterContainer paramCon; private TargetController targetCon; private EnvironmentUIControl envUICon; private AgentController agentCon; private RaySensors raySensors; private bool firstRewardFlag = false; private float lastDistance; private float lastEnemyFacingDistance = 0f; // record last enemy facing minimum distance private float lastTargetFacingDistance = 0f; // record last target facing minimum distance private List spinRecord = new List(); private void Start() { agentObj = gameObject; agentCon = agentObj.GetComponent(); fpsCam = agentCon.fpsCam; commonParamCon = commonParameterContainerObj.GetComponent(); paramCon = parameterContainerObj.GetComponent(); sceneBlockCon = sceneBlockContainerObj.GetComponent(); targetCon = targetControllerObj.GetComponent(); envUICon = environmentUIObj.GetComponent(); raySensors = GetComponent(); } /// /// Calculates the reward value. /// /// Reward value from the scene. /// Movement amount of the mouse along the X-axis. /// Movement of discrete. /// State of the shooting action. /// Returns the calculated total reward value. /// /// This method calculates the total reward based on the provided parameters, /// taking into account rewards for enemy kills, shooting actions, facing reward, /// and penalties such as spin and movement. /// public float RewardCalculate(float sceneReward, float mouseX, float movement, int shootState) { float epreward = 0f; // Got kill point reward if (agentCon.enemyKillCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < agentCon.enemyKillCount; i++) { // get epreward += KillReward(agentCon.killEnemyPosition); } agentCon.enemyKillCount = 0; } else { agentCon.enemyKillCount = 0; } // Shoot action reward epreward += Ballistic(shootState) + sceneReward; // facing reward epreward += FacingReward(); // Penalty // spin penalty spinRecord.Add(mouseX); if (spinRecord.Count >= commonParamCon.spinRecordMax) { spinRecord.RemoveAt(0); } float spinPenaltyReward = Math.Abs(spinRecord.ToArray().Sum() * commonParamCon.spinPenalty); if (spinPenaltyReward >= commonParamCon.spinPenaltyThreshold) { epreward -= spinPenaltyReward; } else { epreward -= Math.Abs(mouseX) * commonParamCon.mousePenalty; } // move penalty if (movement != 0) { epreward -= commonParamCon.movePenalty; } return epreward; } /// /// Calculates the reward value for shooting actions. /// /// State value of the shooting action. /// Returns the reward value associated with shooting. /// /// This method calculates the reward value based on the shooting state and other related conditions, /// such as whether the enemy was hit, whether the shot was towards the target area, and whether the gun was ready to shoot. /// private float Ballistic(int shootState) { Vector3 point = new Vector3(fpsCam.pixelWidth / 2, fpsCam.pixelHeight / 2, 0);// start position Ray ray = fpsCam.ScreenPointToRay(point); RaycastHit hit; // Debug.DrawRay(centerRay.origin, centerRay.direction * 100,; // Mouse Pressed if (shootState != 0 && agentCon.gunReadyToggle == true) { agentCon.lastShootTime = Time.time; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100)) { if (hit.collider.tag != agentCon.myTag && hit.collider.tag != "Wall" && hit.collider.tag != "Untagged") { // kill enemy GameObject gotHitObj = hit.transform.gameObject; gotHitObj.GetComponent().ReactToHit(commonParamCon.damage, gameObject); shootState = 0; return HitEnemyReward(gotHitObj.transform.position); } } if (targetCon.targetType == Targets.Attack) { // while if attack mode float targetDis = Vector3.Distance(sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.transform.position, transform.position); if (targetDis <= raySensors.viewDistance) { // Debug.DrawRay(new Vector3(0,0,0), viewPoint,; if (Vector3.Distance(ray.origin + (ray.direction * targetDis), sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.transform.position) <= sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesAreaDiameter / 2) { // im shooting at target but didn't hit enemy // Debug.DrawRay(centerRay.origin, viewPoint-centerRay.origin,; return commonParamCon.shootTargetAreaReward; } } } shootState = 0; return commonParamCon.shootReward; } else if (shootState != 0 && agentCon.gunReadyToggle == false) { // shoot without ready shootState = 0; return commonParamCon.shootWithoutReadyReward; } else { // do not shoot shootState = 0; return commonParamCon.nonReward; } } /// /// Retrieves the reward value based on the character's facing direction. /// /// Returns the reward value for the facing direction. /// /// This method calculates a reward value based on the relationship between the character's facing direction and the target. /// in free mode, if the character is facing an enemy, the reward is a fixed value /// in attack mode, the reward depends on the distance between the character and the target, among other factors. /// private float FacingReward() { Vector3 screenCenter = new Vector3(fpsCam.pixelWidth / 2, fpsCam.pixelHeight / 2, 0); Vector3 screenLeft = new Vector3(0, fpsCam.pixelHeight / 2, 0); Ray centerRay = fpsCam.ScreenPointToRay(screenCenter); Ray leftRay = fpsCam.ScreenPointToRay(screenLeft); switch (targetCon.targetType) { case Targets.Free: return FacingRewardFree(centerRay); case Targets.Attack: return FacingRewardAttack(centerRay, leftRay); case Targets.Go: return FacingRewardGo(centerRay, leftRay); case Targets.Stay: // stay mode has no facing reward return 0f; default: Debug.LogError("Wrong target type"); return 0f; } } private float FacingRewardFree(Ray centerRay) { float nowReward = 0; float enemyFacingDistance = 0f; bool isFacingtoEnemy = false; RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(centerRay, out hit, 100)) { // facing to an enemy if (hit.collider.tag != agentCon.myTag && hit.collider.tag != "Wall") { nowReward = commonParamCon.facingReward; isFacingtoEnemy = true; } } if (raySensors.inViewEnemies.Count > 0 && !isFacingtoEnemy) { // have enemy in view List projectionDis = new List(); foreach (GameObject theEnemy in raySensors.inViewEnemies) { // for each enemy in view Vector3 projection = Vector3.Project(theEnemy.transform.position - transform.position, (centerRay.direction * 10)); Vector3 verticalToRay = transform.position + projection - theEnemy.transform.position; projectionDis.Add(verticalToRay.magnitude); // Debug.Log("enemy!" + verticalToRay.magnitude); // Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, (centerRay.direction * 100), Color.cyan); // Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, theEnemy.transform.position - transform.position, Color.yellow); // Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, projection,; // Debug.DrawRay(theEnemy.transform.position, verticalToRay, Color.magenta); } enemyFacingDistance = projectionDis.Min(); if (enemyFacingDistance <= lastEnemyFacingDistance) { // closing to enemy nowReward = 1 / MathF.Sqrt(commonParamCon.facingInviewEnemyDisCOEF * enemyFacingDistance + 0.00001f); } else { nowReward = 0; } // enemy in view Reward lastEnemyFacingDistance = enemyFacingDistance; if (nowReward >= commonParamCon.facingReward) nowReward = commonParamCon.facingReward; // limit if (nowReward <= -commonParamCon.facingReward) nowReward = -commonParamCon.facingReward; // limit // Debug.Log("ninimum = " + nowReward); } return nowReward; } private float FacingRewardGo(Ray centerRay, Ray leftRay) { float nowReward = 0; float camCenterToFireBase; float camCenterToViewEdge; (camCenterToFireBase, camCenterToViewEdge, _) = CameraCenterToFireBaseAndViewEdge(centerRay, leftRay); // goto mode if (camCenterToFireBase <= camCenterToViewEdge) { // fireArea is in view nowReward = commonParamCon.facingReward; } else { nowReward = 0; } return nowReward; } private float FacingRewardAttack(Ray centerRay, Ray leftRay) { float nowReward = 0; float camCenterToFireBase; float targetDis; (camCenterToFireBase, _, targetDis) = CameraCenterToFireBaseAndViewEdge(centerRay, leftRay); // attack mode if (targetDis <= raySensors.viewDistance) { // Debug.DrawRay(new Vector3(0,0,0), viewPoint,; // while center of screen between target's distance is lower than firebasesAreaDiameter // while facing to target if (camCenterToFireBase <= sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesAreaDiameter / 2) { // Debug.DrawRay(centerRay.origin, viewPoint-centerRay.origin,; nowReward = commonParamCon.facingReward; } else { // while not facing to target nowReward = (lastTargetFacingDistance - camCenterToFireBase) * commonParamCon.facingTargetReward; } } // update lastTargetFacingDistance lastTargetFacingDistance = camCenterToFireBase; return nowReward; } private (float, float, float) CameraCenterToFireBaseAndViewEdge(Ray centerRay, Ray leftRay) { // target fireBaseArea Position, turen y to camera's y Vector3 fireBaseArea = sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.fireBasesAreaObj.transform.position; fireBaseArea.y = fpsCam.transform.position.y; // my position, turn y to camera's y // Debug.DrawRay(fpsCam.transform.position, centerRay.direction * 100,; Vector3 myposition = transform.position; myposition.y = fpsCam.transform.position.y; // Target to Agent distance //Debug.DrawLine(fireBaseArea, myposition,; float targetDis = Vector3.Distance(fireBaseArea, myposition); // point in centerRay and leftRay which distance is targetDis from camera center Vector3 pointInCenterRay = fpsCam.transform.position + (centerRay.direction * targetDis); Vector3 pointInLeftRay = fpsCam.transform.position + (leftRay.direction * targetDis); // center of screen to target's distance // Debug.DrawLine(pointInCenterRay, fireBaseArea,; float camCenterToFireBase = Vector3.Distance(pointInCenterRay, fireBaseArea); // left of screen to target's distance // Debug.DrawLine(pointInLeftRay, pointInCenterRay, Color.yellow); float camCenterToViewEdge = Vector3.Distance(pointInLeftRay, pointInCenterRay); return (camCenterToFireBase, camCenterToViewEdge, targetDis); } /// /// Checks the game's end state and retrieves rewards. /// /// A tuple containing the game's end type, current reward, and final reward. /// 1 = success,2 = overtime,0 = notover public (int, float, float) CheckOverAndRewards() { int endTypeInt = 0; float nowReward = 0; float endReward = 0; switch (targetCon.targetType) { case Targets.Go: // goto (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward) = CheckOverAndRewardsGo(); break; case Targets.Attack: // attack (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward) = CheckOverAndRewardsAttack(); break; case Targets.Defence: //defence (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward) = CheckOverAndRewardsDefence(); break; case Targets.Stay: // Stay // endless nowReward = 0; endReward = 0; endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running; break; default: //free kill (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward) = CheckOverAndRewardsFreeKill(); break; } envUICon.ShowResult(endTypeInt); return (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward); } private (int, float, float) CheckOverAndRewardsGo() { int endTypeInt = 0; float nowReward = 0; float endReward = 0; float nowDistance = 0; (nowDistance, targetCon.inArea) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position); envUICon.UpdateTargetGauge(sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong, sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint); float areaTargetReward = GetDistanceReward(nowDistance, targetCon.inArea); //if(inArea != 0) if (sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong >= sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint) { // win // let the area belongs to me nowReward = areaTargetReward; endReward = paramCon.goWinReward; //nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getDistanceReward(nowDistance); endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win; } else if (targetCon.leftTime <= 0) { // time out lose nowReward = areaTargetReward; endReward = commonParamCon.loseReward; endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose; } else { // keep on keeping on! nowReward = areaTargetReward; endReward = 0; endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running; } return (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward); } private (int, float, float) CheckOverAndRewardsAttack() { int endTypeInt = 0; float nowReward = 0; float endReward = 0; float nowDistance = 0; (nowDistance, targetCon.inArea) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position); envUICon.UpdateTargetGauge(sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong, sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint); if (sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.GetInAreaNumber(commonParamCon.group2Tag) <= 0 && targetCon.targetEnemySpawnFinish) { // win // let the area belongs to me and kill every enmy in this area. nowReward = 0; endReward = paramCon.attackWinReward; //nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance); endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win; targetCon.targetEnemySpawnFinish = false; } else if (targetCon.leftTime <= 0 && targetCon.targetEnemySpawnFinish) { // time out lose nowReward = 0; endReward = commonParamCon.loseReward; //nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance); endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose; targetCon.targetEnemySpawnFinish = false; } else { // keep on keeping on! // nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getDistanceReward(nowDistance); nowReward = 0; endReward = 0; targetCon.targetEnemySpawnFinish = true; endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running; } return (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward); } private (int, float, float) CheckOverAndRewardsDefence() { // !!! NOT FINISHED YET!!! int endTypeInt = 0; float nowReward = 0; float endReward = 0; float nowDistance = 0; (nowDistance, targetCon.inArea) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position); envUICon.UpdateTargetGauge(sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong, sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint); if (targetCon.leftTime <= 0 && sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong >= 0f) { // win // time over and the area still mine nowReward = paramCon.defenceWinReward; //nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance); endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win; } else if (sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong <= sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint) { // lost area lose nowReward = commonParamCon.loseReward; //nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance); endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose; } else { // keep on keeping on! // nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getDistanceReward(nowDistance); endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running; } return (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward); } private (int, float, float) CheckOverAndRewardsFreeKill() { int endTypeInt = 0; float nowReward = 0; float endReward = 0; if (enemyContainerObj.transform.childCount <= 0) { // win // nowReward = paramCon.winReward + (paramCon.timeBonusPerSecReward * leftTime); nowReward = 0; endReward = paramCon.freeWinReward; endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win; } else if (targetCon.leftTime <= 0) { // lose //nowReward = paramCon.loseReward; nowReward = 0; endReward = commonParamCon.loseReward; endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose; } else { // keep on keeping on! nowReward = 0; endReward = 0; endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running; } return (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward); } /// /// Calculates scene reward based on distance, granting higher rewards for being closer to the target. /// /// The current distance. /// Whether inside an area. /// The reward value calculated based on distance. private float GetDistanceReward(float nowDistance, int inarea) { if (firstRewardFlag) { // first distance record (lastDistance, _) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position); firstRewardFlag = false; } float nowSeneReward = 0f; if (inarea != 0) { // in area nowSeneReward = paramCon.inAreaReward; } else { // out of area // nowSeneReward = paramCon.distanceReward * Math.Clamp(lastDistance - nowDistance, 0, 100); nowSeneReward = commonParamCon.distanceReward * (lastDistance - nowDistance); } lastDistance = nowDistance; return nowSeneReward; } /// /// Calculates kill reward based on the position of the killed enemy. /// /// The position of the killed enemy. /// The reward value calculated based on the kill position. public float KillReward(Vector3 enemyPosition) { float nowKillReward = 0f; if (targetCon.targetType == Targets.Attack) { // attack mode (_, int isInArea) = sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.GetDistInArea(enemyPosition); if (isInArea == 1) { // kill in area enemy nowKillReward = paramCon.killTargetEnemyReward; } else { nowKillReward = commonParamCon.killNonTargetReward; } } else if (targetCon.targetType == Targets.Free) { // free mode hit nowKillReward = paramCon.killTargetEnemyReward; } else { // goto & defence nowKillReward = commonParamCon.killNonTargetReward; } return nowKillReward; } /// /// Calculates hit reward based on the position of the hit enemy and the current mode. /// /// The position of the hit enemy. /// The reward value calculated based on the hit position and mode. public float HitEnemyReward(Vector3 enemyPosition) { float nowHitReward = 0f; if (targetCon.targetType == Targets.Attack) { // attack mode (_, int isInArea) = sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.GetDistInArea(enemyPosition); if (isInArea == 1) { // hit in area enemy nowHitReward = paramCon.hitTargetReward; } else { // hit not in area enemy nowHitReward = commonParamCon.hitNonTargetReward; } } else if (targetCon.targetType == Targets.Free) { // free mode hit nowHitReward = paramCon.hitTargetReward; } else { // goto & defence nowHitReward = commonParamCon.hitNonTargetReward; } return nowHitReward; } }