using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// A ScriptableObject for storing and managing various sets of scene blocks.
/// This class is responsible for organizing and initializing different sets of scene blocks,
/// which include targetLevels, blocks, and their associated properties.
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "All Scene Prefab Set")]
public class SceneBlocksSet : ScriptableObject
public TargetLevelsSet[] targetLevels = new TargetLevelsSet[3];
public Targets[] targets = new Targets[3];
private GameObject hudObj;
private MessageBoxController messageBoxController;
private bool isHudEnabled = false;
/// Initialize the scene block set.
/// The HUD object used to access the message box controller.
public void InitializeSceneBlocksSet(GameObject hudObj = null)
if (hudObj != null)
isHudEnabled = true;
this.hudObj = hudObj;
messageBoxController = this.hudObj.GetComponent();
for (int i = 0; i < targetLevels.Length; i++)
// initialize all level prefab set
/// Gets all level prefab sets.
/// The target type (optional).
/// The index (optional).
/// The level prefab sets.
/// If the target type (targetType) or index (index) is provided, it returns the corresponding level prefab set.
/// If neither the target type (targetType) nor the index (index) is provided, an exception will be thrown, and an error message will be logged.
public TargetLevelsSet GetAllLevlePrefabSet(Targets? targetType = null, int? index = null)
if (targetType == null && index == null)
PushSceneBlockMessages(new List { "[ERROR]ScenePrefabSet.GetAllLevlePrefabSet:", " targetType or index not found!" },
new List { messageBoxController.errorColor });
throw new ArgumentNullException("Both targetType and index cannot be null.");
int levelIndex = 0;
switch (targetType, index)
case (Targets type, null):
levelIndex = type.ToIndex();
case (null, int i):
levelIndex = i;
case (Targets type, int i):
levelIndex = type.ToIndex();
PushSceneBlockMessages(new List { "[ERROR]ScenePrefabSet.GetAllLevlePrefabSet:", " targetType or index not found!" },
new List { messageBoxController.errorColor });
return targetLevels[levelIndex];
/// Gets the prefab set for a single level.
/// The level index.
/// The target type (optional).
/// The index (optional).
/// The prefab set for a single level.
/// If the target type (targetType) or index (index) is provided, it returns the prefab set for the corresponding level.
/// If the level index is out of range, an exception will be thrown, and an error message will be logged.
public BlocksSet GetSingleLevelPrefabSet(int level, Targets? targetType = null, int? index = null)
if (level >= GetAllLevlePrefabSet(targetType, index).singleLevelSet.Length)
PushSceneBlockMessages(new List { "[ERROR]ScenePrefabSet.GetSingleLevelPrefabSet:", " level out of range!", "targetType = ", targetType.ToString(), "level = ", level.ToString() },
new List { messageBoxController.errorColor });
Debug.LogError("ScenePrefabSet.GetSingleLevelPrefabSet:level out of range!");
return null;
return GetAllLevlePrefabSet(targetType, index).singleLevelSet[level];
/// Gets a specific prefab for a given level, block type, target type, and index.
/// The level index.
/// The block type index.
/// The target type (optional).
/// The index (optional).
/// The prefab object.
/// If the target type (targetType) or index (index) is provided, it returns the specific prefab for the given level, block type, target type, and index.
/// If the block type index is out of range, an exception will be thrown, and an error message will be logged.
public GameObject GetPrefab(int level, int blockType, Targets? targetType = null, int? index = null)
if (blockType >= GetSingleLevelPrefabSet(level, targetType, index).prefabs.Length)
PushSceneBlockMessages(new List { "[ERROR]ScenePrefabSet.GetPrefab:", " blockType out of range!", "targetType = ", targetType.ToString(), "level = ", level.ToString(), "blockType = ", blockType.ToString() },
new List { messageBoxController.errorColor });
Debug.LogError("ScenePrefabSet.GetPrefab:blockType out of range!");
return null;
return GetSingleLevelPrefabSet(level, targetType, index).prefabs[blockType];
/// Gets the number of targetLevels for a specific target type and index.
/// The target type (optional).
/// The index (optional).
/// The number of targetLevels.
/// If the target type (targetType) or index (index) is provided, it returns the number of targetLevels for the corresponding target type and index.
public int GetLevelNumber(Targets? targetType = null, int? index = null)
return GetAllLevlePrefabSet(targetType, index).singleLevelSet.Length;
/// Gets the number of blocks for a specific level, target type, and index.
/// The level index.
/// The target type (optional).
/// The index (optional).
/// The number of blocks.
/// If the target type (targetType) or index (index) is provided, it returns the number of blocks for the corresponding level, target type, and index.
public int GetBlockNumber(int level, Targets? targetType = null, int? index = null)
return GetSingleLevelPrefabSet(level, targetType, index).prefabs.Length;
/// Gets the size of a specific block for a given level, block type, target type, and index.
/// The level index.
/// The block type index.
/// The target type (optional).
/// The index (optional).
/// The block size.
/// If the target type (targetType) or index (index) is provided, it returns the size of the block for the specified level, block type, target type, and index.
public float GetBlockSize(int level, int blockType, Targets? targetType = null, int? index = null)
return GetPrefab(level, blockType, targetType, index).GetComponent().blockSize;
/// Pushes a message to the message box or debug log.推送消息到消息框或调试日志中。
/// The list of messages.
/// The list of colors.
/// If the message box is enabled (isHudEnabled is true), the message will be pushed to the message box, and the messages will be colored according to the provided color list.
/// If the message box is not enabled (isHudEnabled is false), the messages will be logged as plain text in the debug log.
private void PushSceneBlockMessages(List messageList, List colorList)
if (isHudEnabled)
messageBoxController.PushMessage(messageList, colorList);
Debug.Log(string.Join(" ", messageList));