
This commit is contained in:
Koha9 2023-10-24 03:34:15 +09:00
parent 6091dca65d
commit 9087a8c552
12 changed files with 805 additions and 712 deletions

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
{"count":1,"self":6.87364,"total":6.9109843,"children":{"InitializeActuators":{"count":2,"self":0.0010012999999999999,"total":0.0010012999999999999,"children":null},"InitializeSensors":{"count":2,"self":0.0010003,"total":0.0010003,"children":null},"AgentSendState":{"count":99,"self":0.00050139999999999994,"total":0.0069993,"children":{"CollectObservations":{"count":99,"self":0.0049989,"total":0.0049989,"children":null},"WriteActionMask":{"count":99,"self":0,"total":0,"children":null},"RequestDecision":{"count":99,"self":0.001499,"total":0.001499,"children":null}}},"DecideAction":{"count":99,"self":0.0019998999999999998,"total":0.0019998999999999998,"children":null},"AgentAct":{"count":99,"self":0.025844,"total":0.025844,"children":null}},"gauges":{},"metadata":{"timer_format_version":"0.1.0","start_time_seconds":"1697993466","unity_version":"2021.3.14f1","command_line_arguments":"C:\\Program Files\\Unity\\Hub\\Editor\\2021.3.14f1\\Editor\\Unity.exe -projectpath C:\\Users\\UCUNI\\OneDrive\\Unity\\ML-Agents\\Aimbot-ParallelEnv -useHub -hubIPC -cloudEnvironment production -licensingIpc LicenseClient-3RTM9hQ6yJRZGQKZx8Slg -hubSessionId a9694f1b-42f4-414c-9f3a-decdfec467f4 -accessToken _-EoIL8F11LvGF_SbanmzPmRWk7d3mJZ66R4Zf61pY400ef","communication_protocol_version":"1.5.0","com.unity.ml-agents_version":"2.0.1","scene_name":"Play","end_time_seconds":"1697993473"}}
{"count":1,"self":14.61136,"total":14.758261,"children":{"InitializeActuators":{"count":2,"self":0.0009999,"total":0.0009999,"children":null},"InitializeSensors":{"count":2,"self":0.00099969999999999985,"total":0.00099969999999999985,"children":null},"AgentSendState":{"count":484,"self":0.0034990999999999998,"total":0.0180021,"children":{"CollectObservations":{"count":484,"self":0.0119995,"total":0.0119995,"children":null},"WriteActionMask":{"count":484,"self":0,"total":0,"children":null},"RequestDecision":{"count":484,"self":0.0025035,"total":0.0025035,"children":null}}},"DecideAction":{"count":484,"self":0.0029993,"total":0.0029993,"children":null},"AgentAct":{"count":484,"self":0.1239006,"total":0.1239006,"children":null}},"gauges":{},"metadata":{"timer_format_version":"0.1.0","start_time_seconds":"1698085512","unity_version":"2021.3.14f1","command_line_arguments":"C:\\Program Files\\Unity\\Hub\\Editor\\2021.3.14f1\\Editor\\Unity.exe -projectpath C:\\Users\\UCUNI\\OneDrive\\Unity\\ML-Agents\\Aimbot-ParallelEnv -useHub -hubIPC -cloudEnvironment production -licensingIpc LicenseClient-3RTM9hQ6yJRZGQKZx8Slg -hubSessionId a9694f1b-42f4-414c-9f3a-decdfec467f4 -accessToken 0RXRt4Gr5-wz9bb63SDgNZNzv9nApR3GYqka0HInnGM00ef","communication_protocol_version":"1.5.0","com.unity.ml-agents_version":"2.0.1","scene_name":"Play","end_time_seconds":"1698085527"}}

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
{"count":1,"self":44.2918592,"total":44.7423777,"children":{"InitializeActuators":{"count":2,"self":0.0015,"total":0.0015,"children":null},"InitializeSensors":{"count":2,"self":0.0005001,"total":0.0005001,"children":null},"AgentSendState":{"count":1994,"self":0.0115036,"total":0.073176999999999992,"children":{"CollectObservations":{"count":1994,"self":0.0546691,"total":0.0546691,"children":null},"WriteActionMask":{"count":1994,"self":0.0005,"total":0.0005,"children":null},"RequestDecision":{"count":1994,"self":0.0065042999999999993,"total":0.0065042999999999993,"children":null}}},"DecideAction":{"count":1994,"self":0.0091503,"total":0.0091503,"children":null},"AgentAct":{"count":1994,"self":0.36569229999999997,"total":0.36569229999999997,"children":null}},"gauges":{"AKMAgent.CumulativeReward":{"count":1,"max":-2512.52466,"min":-2512.52466,"runningAverage":-2512.52466,"value":-2512.52466,"weightedAverage":-2512.52466}},"metadata":{"timer_format_version":"0.1.0","start_time_seconds":"1697992942","unity_version":"2021.3.14f1","command_line_arguments":"C:\\Program Files\\Unity\\Hub\\Editor\\2021.3.14f1\\Editor\\Unity.exe -projectpath C:\\Users\\UCUNI\\OneDrive\\Unity\\ML-Agents\\Aimbot-ParallelEnv -useHub -hubIPC -cloudEnvironment production -licensingIpc LicenseClient-3RTM9hQ6yJRZGQKZx8Slg -hubSessionId a9694f1b-42f4-414c-9f3a-decdfec467f4 -accessToken _-EoIL8F11LvGF_SbanmzPmRWk7d3mJZ66R4Zf61pY400ef","communication_protocol_version":"1.5.0","com.unity.ml-agents_version":"2.0.1","scene_name":"Train","end_time_seconds":"1697992987"}}
{"count":1,"self":14.1656544,"total":14.3145136,"children":{"InitializeActuators":{"count":2,"self":0.0015011999999999998,"total":0.0015011999999999998,"children":null},"InitializeSensors":{"count":2,"self":0.0009999,"total":0.0009999,"children":null},"AgentSendState":{"count":454,"self":0.003999,"total":0.027000399999999997,"children":{"CollectObservations":{"count":454,"self":0.0205008,"total":0.0205008,"children":null},"WriteActionMask":{"count":454,"self":0,"total":0,"children":null},"RequestDecision":{"count":454,"self":0.0025006,"total":0.0025006,"children":null}}},"DecideAction":{"count":454,"self":0.0068705,"total":0.0068705,"children":null},"AgentAct":{"count":454,"self":0.11198749999999999,"total":0.11198749999999999,"children":null}},"gauges":{},"metadata":{"timer_format_version":"0.1.0","start_time_seconds":"1698085370","unity_version":"2021.3.14f1","command_line_arguments":"C:\\Program Files\\Unity\\Hub\\Editor\\2021.3.14f1\\Editor\\Unity.exe -projectpath C:\\Users\\UCUNI\\OneDrive\\Unity\\ML-Agents\\Aimbot-ParallelEnv -useHub -hubIPC -cloudEnvironment production -licensingIpc LicenseClient-3RTM9hQ6yJRZGQKZx8Slg -hubSessionId a9694f1b-42f4-414c-9f3a-decdfec467f4 -accessToken 0RXRt4Gr5-wz9bb63SDgNZNzv9nApR3GYqka0HInnGM00ef","communication_protocol_version":"1.5.0","com.unity.ml-agents_version":"2.0.1","scene_name":"Train","end_time_seconds":"1698085385"}}

Assets/RewardFunction.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class RewardFunction : MonoBehaviour
public enum EndType
{ Win, Lose, Running, Num };
[SerializeField] private GameObject parameterContainerObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject sceneBlockContainerObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject targetControllerObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject environmentUIObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject commonParameterContainerObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject enemyContainerObj;
private GameObject agentObj;
private Camera fpsCam;
private CommonParameterContainer commonParamCon;
private SceneBlockContainer sceneBlockCon;
private ParameterContainer paramCon;
private TargetController targetCon;
private EnvironmentUIControl envUICon;
private AgentController agentCon;
private RaySensors raySensors;
private bool firstRewardFlag = false;
private float lastDistance;
private float lastEnemyFacingDistance = 0f; // record last enemy facing minimum distance
private float lastTargetFacingDistance = 0f; // record last target facing minimum distance
private List<float> spinRecord = new List<float>();
private void Start()
agentObj = gameObject;
agentCon = agentObj.GetComponent<AgentController>();
fpsCam = agentCon.fpsCam;
commonParamCon = commonParameterContainerObj.GetComponent<CommonParameterContainer>();
paramCon = parameterContainerObj.GetComponent<ParameterContainer>();
sceneBlockCon = sceneBlockContainerObj.GetComponent<SceneBlockContainer>();
targetCon = targetControllerObj.GetComponent<TargetController>();
envUICon = environmentUIObj.GetComponent<EnvironmentUIControl>();
raySensors = GetComponent<RaySensors>();
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the reward value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sceneReward">Reward value from the scene.</param>
/// <param name="mouseX">Movement amount of the mouse along the X-axis.</param>
/// <param name="movement">Movement of discrete.</param>
/// <param name="shootState">State of the shooting action.</param>
/// <returns>Returns the calculated total reward value.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This method calculates the total reward based on the provided parameters,
/// taking into account rewards for enemy kills, shooting actions, facing reward,
/// and penalties such as spin and movement.
/// </remarks>
public float RewardCalculate(float sceneReward, float mouseX, float movement, int shootState)
float epreward = 0f;
// Got kill point reward
if (agentCon.enemyKillCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < agentCon.enemyKillCount; i++)
// get
epreward += KillReward(agentCon.killEnemyPosition);
agentCon.enemyKillCount = 0;
agentCon.enemyKillCount = 0;
// Shoot action reward
epreward += Ballistic(shootState) + sceneReward;
// facing reward
epreward += FacingReward();
// Penalty
// spin penalty
if (spinRecord.Count >= commonParamCon.spinRecordMax)
float spinPenaltyReward = Math.Abs(spinRecord.ToArray().Sum() * commonParamCon.spinPenalty);
if (spinPenaltyReward >= commonParamCon.spinPenaltyThreshold)
epreward -= spinPenaltyReward;
epreward -= Math.Abs(mouseX) * commonParamCon.mousePenalty;
// move penalty
if (movement != 0)
epreward -= commonParamCon.movePenalty;
return epreward;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the reward value for shooting actions.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shootState">State value of the shooting action.</param>
/// <returns>Returns the reward value associated with shooting.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This method calculates the reward value based on the shooting state and other related conditions,
/// such as whether the enemy was hit, whether the shot was towards the target area, and whether the gun was ready to shoot.
/// </remarks>
private float Ballistic(int shootState)
Vector3 point = new Vector3(fpsCam.pixelWidth / 2, fpsCam.pixelHeight / 2, 0);// start position
Ray ray = fpsCam.ScreenPointToRay(point);
RaycastHit hit;
// Debug.DrawRay(centerRay.origin, centerRay.direction * 100, Color.blue);
// Mouse Pressed
if (shootState != 0 && agentCon.gunReadyToggle == true)
agentCon.lastShootTime = Time.time;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100))
if (hit.collider.tag != agentCon.myTag && hit.collider.tag != "Wall" && hit.collider.tag != "Untagged")
// kill enemy
GameObject gotHitObj = hit.transform.gameObject;
gotHitObj.GetComponent<States>().ReactToHit(commonParamCon.damage, gameObject);
shootState = 0;
return HitEnemyReward(gotHitObj.transform.position);
if (targetCon.targetTypeInt == (int)Targets.Attack)
// while if attack mode
float targetDis = Vector3.Distance(sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.transform.position, transform.position);
if (targetDis <= raySensors.viewDistance)
// Debug.DrawRay(new Vector3(0,0,0), viewPoint, Color.red);
if (Vector3.Distance(ray.origin + (ray.direction * targetDis), sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.transform.position) <= sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesAreaDiameter / 2)
// im shooting at target but didn't hit enemy
// Debug.DrawRay(centerRay.origin, viewPoint-centerRay.origin, Color.blue);
return commonParamCon.shootTargetAreaReward;
shootState = 0;
return commonParamCon.shootReward;
else if (shootState != 0 && agentCon.gunReadyToggle == false)
// shoot without ready
shootState = 0;
return commonParamCon.shootWithoutReadyReward;
// do not shoot
shootState = 0;
return commonParamCon.nonReward;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the reward value based on the character's facing direction.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns the reward value for the facing direction.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This method calculates a reward value based on the relationship between the character's facing direction and the target.
/// in free mode, if the character is facing an enemy, the reward is a fixed value
/// in attack mode, the reward depends on the distance between the character and the target, among other factors.
/// </remarks>
private float FacingReward()
float nowReward = 0;
bool isFacingtoEnemy = false;
float enemyFacingDistance = 0f;
Vector3 screenCenter = new Vector3(fpsCam.pixelWidth / 2, fpsCam.pixelHeight / 2, 0);
Vector3 screenLeft = new Vector3(0, fpsCam.pixelHeight / 2, 0);
Ray centerRay = fpsCam.ScreenPointToRay(screenCenter);
Ray leftRay = fpsCam.ScreenPointToRay(screenLeft);
// target fireBaseArea Position, turen y to camera's y
Vector3 fireBaseArea = sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.fireBasesAreaObj.transform.position;
fireBaseArea.y = fpsCam.transform.position.y;
// my position, turn y to camera's y
// Debug.DrawRay(fpsCam.transform.position, centerRay.direction * 100, Color.blue);
Vector3 myposition = transform.position;
myposition.y = fpsCam.transform.position.y;
// Target to Agent distance
//Debug.DrawLine(fireBaseArea, myposition, Color.red);
float targetDis = Vector3.Distance(fireBaseArea, myposition);
// point in centerRay and leftRay which distance is targetDis from camera center
Vector3 pointInCenterRay = fpsCam.transform.position + (centerRay.direction * targetDis);
Vector3 pointInLeftRay = fpsCam.transform.position + (leftRay.direction * targetDis);
// center of screen to target's distance
// Debug.DrawLine(pointInCenterRay, fireBaseArea,Color.green);
float camCenterToTarget = Vector3.Distance(pointInCenterRay, fireBaseArea);
// left of screen to target's distance
// Debug.DrawLine(pointInLeftRay, pointInCenterRay, Color.yellow);
float camCenterToViewEdge = Vector3.Distance(pointInLeftRay, pointInCenterRay);
switch (targetCon.targetTypeInt)
case (int)Targets.Free:
//free mode
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(centerRay, out hit, 100))
// facing to an enemy
if (hit.collider.tag != agentCon.myTag && hit.collider.tag != "Wall")
nowReward = commonParamCon.facingReward;
isFacingtoEnemy = true;
if (raySensors.inViewEnemies.Count > 0 && !isFacingtoEnemy)
// have enemy in view
List<float> projectionDis = new List<float>();
foreach (GameObject theEnemy in raySensors.inViewEnemies)
// for each enemy in view
Vector3 projection = Vector3.Project(theEnemy.transform.position - transform.position, (centerRay.direction * 10));
Vector3 verticalToRay = transform.position + projection - theEnemy.transform.position;
// Debug.Log("enemy!" + verticalToRay.magnitude);
// Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, (centerRay.direction * 100), Color.cyan);
// Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, theEnemy.transform.position - transform.position, Color.yellow);
// Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, projection, Color.blue);
// Debug.DrawRay(theEnemy.transform.position, verticalToRay, Color.magenta);
enemyFacingDistance = projectionDis.Min();
if (enemyFacingDistance <= lastEnemyFacingDistance)
// closing to enemy
nowReward = 1 / MathF.Sqrt(commonParamCon.facingInviewEnemyDisCOEF * enemyFacingDistance + 0.00001f);
nowReward = 0;
// enemy in view Reward
lastEnemyFacingDistance = enemyFacingDistance;
if (nowReward >= commonParamCon.facingReward) nowReward = commonParamCon.facingReward; // limit
if (nowReward <= -commonParamCon.facingReward) nowReward = -commonParamCon.facingReward; // limit
// Debug.Log("ninimum = " + nowReward);
case (int)Targets.Attack:
// attack mode
if (targetDis <= raySensors.viewDistance)
// Debug.DrawRay(new Vector3(0,0,0), viewPoint, Color.red);
// while center of screen between target's distance is lower than firebasesAreaDiameter
// while facing to target
if (camCenterToTarget <= sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesAreaDiameter / 2)
// Debug.DrawRay(centerRay.origin, viewPoint-centerRay.origin, Color.blue);
nowReward = commonParamCon.facingReward;
// while not facing to target
nowReward = (lastTargetFacingDistance - camCenterToTarget) * commonParamCon.facingTargetReward;
// update lastTargetFacingDistance
lastTargetFacingDistance = camCenterToTarget;
case (int)Targets.Go:
// goto mode
if (camCenterToTarget <= camCenterToViewEdge)
// fireArea is in view
nowReward = commonParamCon.facingReward;
nowReward = 0;
Debug.LogError("Wrong target type");
return nowReward;
/// <summary>
/// Checks the game's end state and retrieves rewards.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A tuple containing the game's end type, current reward, and final reward.
/// 1 = success,2 = overtime,0 = notover</returns>
public (int, float, float) CheckOverAndRewards()
int endTypeInt = 0;
float nowReward = 0;
float endReward = 0;
switch (targetCon.targetTypeInt)
case (int)Targets.Go:
// goto
(endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward) = CheckOverAndRewardsGo();
case (int)Targets.Attack:
// attack
(endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward) = CheckOverAndRewardsAttack();
case (int)Targets.Defence:
(endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward) = CheckOverAndRewardsDefence();
case (int)Targets.Stay:
// Stay
// endless
nowReward = 0;
endReward = 0;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running;
//free kill
(endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward) = CheckOverAndRewardsFreeKill();
return (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward);
private (int, float, float) CheckOverAndRewardsGo()
int endTypeInt = 0;
float nowReward = 0;
float endReward = 0;
float nowDistance = 0;
(nowDistance, targetCon.inArea) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position);
envUICon.UpdateTargetGauge(sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong, sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint);
float areaTargetReward = GetDistanceReward(nowDistance, targetCon.inArea);
//if(inArea != 0)
if (sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong >= sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint)
// win
// let the area belongs to me
nowReward = areaTargetReward;
endReward = paramCon.goWinReward;
//nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getDistanceReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win;
else if (targetCon.leftTime <= 0)
// time out lose
nowReward = areaTargetReward;
endReward = commonParamCon.loseReward;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose;
// keep on keeping on!
nowReward = areaTargetReward;
endReward = 0;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running;
return (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward);
private (int, float, float) CheckOverAndRewardsAttack()
int endTypeInt = 0;
float nowReward = 0;
float endReward = 0;
float nowDistance = 0;
(nowDistance, targetCon.inArea) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position);
envUICon.UpdateTargetGauge(sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong, sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint);
if (sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.GetInAreaNumber(commonParamCon.group2Tag) <= 0 && targetCon.targetEnemySpawnFinish)
// win
// let the area belongs to me and kill every enmy in this area.
nowReward = 0;
endReward = paramCon.attackWinReward;
//nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win;
targetCon.targetEnemySpawnFinish = false;
else if (targetCon.leftTime <= 0 && targetCon.targetEnemySpawnFinish)
// time out lose
nowReward = 0;
endReward = commonParamCon.loseReward;
//nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose;
targetCon.targetEnemySpawnFinish = false;
// keep on keeping on!
// nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getDistanceReward(nowDistance);
nowReward = 0;
endReward = 0;
targetCon.targetEnemySpawnFinish = true;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running;
return (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward);
private (int, float, float) CheckOverAndRewardsDefence()
int endTypeInt = 0;
float nowReward = 0;
float endReward = 0;
float nowDistance = 0;
(nowDistance, targetCon.inArea) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position);
envUICon.UpdateTargetGauge(sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong, sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint);
if (targetCon.leftTime <= 0 && sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong >= 0f)
// win
// time over and the area still mine
nowReward = paramCon.defenceWinReward;
//nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win;
else if (sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong <= sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint)
// lost area lose
nowReward = commonParamCon.loseReward;
//nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose;
// keep on keeping on!
// nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getDistanceReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running;
return (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward);
private (int, float, float) CheckOverAndRewardsFreeKill()
int endTypeInt = 0;
float nowReward = 0;
float endReward = 0;
if (enemyContainerObj.transform.childCount <= 0)
// win
// nowReward = paramCon.winReward + (paramCon.timeBonusPerSecReward * leftTime);
nowReward = 0;
endReward = paramCon.freeWinReward;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win;
else if (targetCon.leftTime <= 0)
// lose
//nowReward = paramCon.loseReward;
nowReward = 0;
endReward = commonParamCon.loseReward;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose;
// keep on keeping on!
nowReward = 0;
endReward = 0;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running;
return (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward);
/// <summary>
/// Calculates scene reward based on distance, granting higher rewards for being closer to the target.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nowDistance">The current distance.</param>
/// <param name="inarea">Whether inside an area.</param>
/// <returns>The reward value calculated based on distance.</returns>
private float GetDistanceReward(float nowDistance, int inarea)
if (firstRewardFlag)
// first distance record
(lastDistance, _) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position);
firstRewardFlag = false;
float nowSeneReward = 0f;
if (inarea != 0)
// in area
nowSeneReward = paramCon.inAreaReward;
// out of area
// nowSeneReward = paramCon.distanceReward * Math.Clamp(lastDistance - nowDistance, 0, 100);
nowSeneReward = commonParamCon.distanceReward * (lastDistance - nowDistance);
lastDistance = nowDistance;
return nowSeneReward;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates kill reward based on the position of the killed enemy.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enemyPosition">The position of the killed enemy.</param>
/// <returns>The reward value calculated based on the kill position.</returns>
public float KillReward(Vector3 enemyPosition)
float nowKillReward = 0f;
if (targetCon.targetTypeInt == (int)Targets.Attack)
// attack mode
(_, int isInArea) = sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.GetDistInArea(enemyPosition);
if (isInArea == 1)
// kill in area enemy
nowKillReward = paramCon.killTargetEnemyReward;
nowKillReward = commonParamCon.killNonTargetReward;
else if (targetCon.targetTypeInt == (int)Targets.Free)
// free mode hit
nowKillReward = paramCon.killTargetEnemyReward;
// goto & defence
nowKillReward = commonParamCon.killNonTargetReward;
return nowKillReward;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates hit reward based on the position of the hit enemy and the current mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enemyPosition">The position of the hit enemy.</param>
/// <returns>The reward value calculated based on the hit position and mode.</returns>
public float HitEnemyReward(Vector3 enemyPosition)
float nowHitReward = 0f;
if (targetCon.targetTypeInt == (int)Targets.Attack)
// attack mode
(_, int isInArea) = sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.GetDistInArea(enemyPosition);
if (isInArea == 1)
// hit in area enemy
nowHitReward = paramCon.hitTargetReward;
// hit not in area enemy
nowHitReward = commonParamCon.hitNonTargetReward;
else if (targetCon.targetTypeInt == (int)Targets.Free)
// free mode hit
nowHitReward = paramCon.hitTargetReward;
// goto & defence
nowHitReward = commonParamCon.hitNonTargetReward;
return nowHitReward;

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 04b45691af6143d4d84b5d024d062bf7
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

View File

@ -1766,6 +1766,8 @@ MonoBehaviour:
spinRecordMax: 40
spinPenaltyThreshold: 10
facingInviewEnemyDisCOEF: 0.5
group1Tag: Player
group2Tag: Enemy
hitTargetRewardDefault: 25
killTargetEnemyRewardDefault: 25
inAreaRewardDefault: 12
@ -3300,7 +3302,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_AnchorMin: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_AnchorMax: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 0.000030517578, y: -246.20204}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 0.000030517578, y: -246.20215}
m_SizeDelta: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_Pivot: {x: 0, y: 0}
--- !u!114 &324069808
@ -7093,6 +7095,7 @@ GameObject:
- component: {fileID: 629870341}
- component: {fileID: 629870347}
- component: {fileID: 629870346}
- component: {fileID: 629870348}
- component: {fileID: 629870339}
- component: {fileID: 629870338}
- component: {fileID: 629870344}
@ -7261,11 +7264,12 @@ MonoBehaviour:
hasUpgradedFromAgentParameters: 1
MaxStep: 0
paramContainerObj: {fileID: 707336050}
CommonParameterContainer: {fileID: 220347584}
commonParameterContainer: {fileID: 220347584}
targetControllerObj: {fileID: 1692325237}
environmentUIObj: {fileID: 156390936}
sideChannelObj: {fileID: 0}
hudUIObj: {fileID: 2082200184}
sideChannelObj: {fileID: 1866094461}
worldUIControllerObj: {fileID: 1052251813}
hudObj: {fileID: 2082200184}
oneHotRayTag: 1
--- !u!114 &629870347
@ -7280,12 +7284,6 @@ MonoBehaviour:
commonParameterContainerObj: {fileID: 220347584}
environmentObj: {fileID: 749443372}
enemyContainerObj: {fileID: 891195334}
sceneBlockContainerObj: {fileID: 1811162388}
environmentUIControlObj: {fileID: 156390936}
targetControllerObj: {fileID: 1692325237}
HUDObj: {fileID: 2082200184}
fpsCam: {fileID: 1633276149}
moveSpeed: 9
vX: 0
@ -7295,7 +7293,29 @@ MonoBehaviour:
mouseXSensitivity: 100
mouseYSensitivity: 200
yRotation: 0.1
lastShootTime: 0
enemyKillCount: 0
killEnemyPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
defaultTPCamera: 1
--- !u!114 &629870348
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 629870337}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 04b45691af6143d4d84b5d024d062bf7, type: 3}
parameterContainerObj: {fileID: 707336050}
sceneBlockContainerObj: {fileID: 1811162388}
targetControllerObj: {fileID: 1692325237}
environmentUIObj: {fileID: 156390936}
commonParameterContainerObj: {fileID: 220347584}
enemyContainerObj: {fileID: 891195334}
--- !u!1 &636386815
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -12773,7 +12793,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_HandleRect: {fileID: 538300382}
m_Direction: 2
m_Value: 0
m_Size: 1
m_Size: 0.9999897
m_NumberOfSteps: 0
@ -16050,17 +16070,13 @@ MonoBehaviour:
HUDObj: {fileID: 2082200184}
sceneBlockContainerObj: {fileID: 1811162388}
enemyContainerObj: {fileID: 891195334}
parameterContainerObj: {fileID: 707336050}
commonParameterContainerObj: {fileID: 220347584}
environmentUIObj: {fileID: 156390936}
worldUIObj: {fileID: 1052251813}
edgeUp: {fileID: 1352953080}
edgeDown: {fileID: 1571061029}
edgeLeft: {fileID: 1551793502}
edgeRight: {fileID: 1046425531}
edgeAgent_Enemy: {fileID: 704984377}
group1Tag: Player
group2Tag: Enemy
minEnemyAreaX: 0
attackProb: 0.1
gotoProb: 0.1
@ -16072,7 +16088,9 @@ MonoBehaviour:
- 0
- 0
- 0
inArea: 0
targetPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
targetEnemySpawnFinish: 0
--- !u!1 &1695161701
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -21488,7 +21506,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
chartOn: 0
sideChannelObj: {fileID: 0}
sideChannelObj: {fileID: 1866094461}
chartOnToggleObj: {fileID: 269417898}
saveModelButton: {fileID: 0}
chartOnTimeOutInputObj: {fileID: 149218411}

View File

@ -3955,11 +3955,11 @@ RectTransform:
m_Father: {fileID: 55747560}
m_RootOrder: 0
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_AnchorMin: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_AnchorMax: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 250, y: -150}
m_AnchorMin: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
m_AnchorMax: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_SizeDelta: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_Pivot: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_Pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
--- !u!114 &413189341
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -4393,11 +4393,11 @@ RectTransform:
m_Father: {fileID: 55747560}
m_RootOrder: 1
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_AnchorMin: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_AnchorMax: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 250, y: -150}
m_AnchorMin: {x: 1, y: 0.5}
m_AnchorMax: {x: 1, y: 0.5}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: -250, y: 0}
m_SizeDelta: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_Pivot: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_Pivot: {x: 1, y: 0.5}
--- !u!114 &440411431
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -5859,6 +5859,7 @@ GameObject:
- component: {fileID: 629870347}
- component: {fileID: 629870346}
- component: {fileID: 629870339}
- component: {fileID: 629870348}
- component: {fileID: 629870338}
- component: {fileID: 629870344}
- component: {fileID: 629870345}
@ -6026,11 +6027,12 @@ MonoBehaviour:
hasUpgradedFromAgentParameters: 1
MaxStep: 0
paramContainerObj: {fileID: 707336050}
CommonParameterContainer: {fileID: 1580123439}
commonParameterContainer: {fileID: 1580123439}
targetControllerObj: {fileID: 1692325237}
environmentUIObj: {fileID: 156390936}
sideChannelObj: {fileID: 1866094461}
hudUIObj: {fileID: 2082200184}
worldUIControllerObj: {fileID: 1052251813}
hudObj: {fileID: 2082200184}
oneHotRayTag: 1
--- !u!114 &629870347
@ -6050,7 +6052,6 @@ MonoBehaviour:
sceneBlockContainerObj: {fileID: 1811162388}
environmentUIControlObj: {fileID: 156390936}
targetControllerObj: {fileID: 1692325237}
HUDObj: {fileID: 2082200184}
fpsCam: {fileID: 1633276149}
moveSpeed: 9
vX: 0
@ -6061,6 +6062,24 @@ MonoBehaviour:
mouseYSensitivity: 200
yRotation: 0.1
defaultTPCamera: 1
--- !u!114 &629870348
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 629870337}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 04b45691af6143d4d84b5d024d062bf7, type: 3}
commonParameterContainerObj: {fileID: 1580123439}
parameterContainerObj: {fileID: 707336050}
sceneBlockContainerObj: {fileID: 1811162388}
targetControllerObj: {fileID: 1692325237}
environmentUIObj: {fileID: 156390936}
enemyContainerObj: {fileID: 891195334}
--- !u!1 &636386815
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -7085,11 +7104,11 @@ RectTransform:
m_Father: {fileID: 413189340}
m_RootOrder: 0
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_AnchorMin: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_AnchorMax: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 2, y: -0}
m_AnchorMin: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
m_AnchorMax: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 2, y: 0}
m_SizeDelta: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_Pivot: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_Pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
--- !u!114 &762190081
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -7117,7 +7136,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_BestFit: 0
m_MinSize: 10
m_MaxSize: 40
m_Alignment: 0
m_Alignment: 4
m_AlignByGeometry: 0
m_RichText: 1
m_HorizontalOverflow: 1
@ -11162,7 +11181,7 @@ RectTransform:
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_AnchorMin: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_AnchorMax: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 0.000030517578, y: -246.2022}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 0.000030517578, y: -246.20177}
m_SizeDelta: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_Pivot: {x: 0, y: 0}
--- !u!114 &1442113294
@ -12155,6 +12174,8 @@ MonoBehaviour:
spinRecordMax: 40
spinPenaltyThreshold: 10
facingInviewEnemyDisCOEF: 0.5
group1Tag: Player
group2Tag: Enemy
hitTargetRewardDefault: 25
killTargetEnemyRewardDefault: 25
inAreaRewardDefault: 12
@ -12921,17 +12942,13 @@ MonoBehaviour:
HUDObj: {fileID: 2082200184}
sceneBlockContainerObj: {fileID: 1811162388}
enemyContainerObj: {fileID: 891195334}
parameterContainerObj: {fileID: 707336050}
commonParameterContainerObj: {fileID: 1580123439}
environmentUIObj: {fileID: 156390936}
worldUIObj: {fileID: 1052251813}
edgeUp: {fileID: 1352953080}
edgeDown: {fileID: 1571061029}
edgeLeft: {fileID: 1551793502}
edgeRight: {fileID: 1046425531}
edgeAgent_Enemy: {fileID: 704984377}
group1Tag: Player
group2Tag: Enemy
minEnemyAreaX: 0
attackProb: 0.375
gotoProb: 0.392
@ -12943,7 +12960,9 @@ MonoBehaviour:
- 0
- 0
- 0
inArea: 0
targetPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
targetEnemySpawnFinish: 0
--- !u!1 &1695161701
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -13140,11 +13159,11 @@ RectTransform:
m_Father: {fileID: 440411430}
m_RootOrder: 0
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_AnchorMin: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_AnchorMax: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 2, y: -0}
m_AnchorMin: {x: 1, y: 0.5}
m_AnchorMax: {x: 1, y: 0.5}
m_AnchoredPosition: {x: -2, y: 0}
m_SizeDelta: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_Pivot: {x: 0, y: 1}
m_Pivot: {x: 1, y: 0.5}
--- !u!114 &1714055741
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -13172,7 +13191,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_BestFit: 0
m_MinSize: 10
m_MaxSize: 40
m_Alignment: 0
m_Alignment: 5
m_AlignByGeometry: 0
m_RichText: 1
m_HorizontalOverflow: 1
@ -16584,7 +16603,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_HandleRect: {fileID: 1766662801}
m_Direction: 2
m_Value: 0
m_Size: 1
m_Size: 0.9999902
m_NumberOfSteps: 0

View File

@ -5,22 +5,8 @@
public class AgentController : MonoBehaviour
private GameObject commonParameterContainerObj;
private GameObject environmentObj;
private GameObject enemyContainerObj;
private GameObject sceneBlockContainerObj;
private GameObject environmentUIControlObj;
private GameObject targetControllerObj;
private GameObject HUDObj;
private Camera fpsCam;
[SerializeField] public GameObject commonParameterContainerObj;
[SerializeField] public Camera fpsCam;
[Header("GetAxis() Simulate")]
public float moveSpeed = 9.0f;
@ -33,45 +19,33 @@ public class AgentController : MonoBehaviour
public float mouseYSensitivity = 200;
public float yRotation = 0.1f;//定义一个浮点类型的量记录围绕X轴旋转的角度
private List<float> spinRecord = new List<float>();
private bool lockMouse;
private float damage;
private float fireRate;
private bool lockCameraX;
private bool lockCameraY;
// environment
private float lastShootTime = 0.0f;
public float lastShootTime = 0.0f;
private int enemyKillCount = 0;
private Vector3 killEnemyPosition;
public int enemyKillCount = 0;
public Vector3 killEnemyPosition;
public bool defaultTPCamera = true;
[System.NonSerialized] public bool gunReadyToggle = true;
private string myTag = "";
private float lastEnemyFacingDistance = 0f; // record last enemy facing minimum distance
private float lastTargetFacingDistance = 0f; // record last target facing minimum distance
public string myTag = "";
// scripts
private RaySensors raySensors;
private CharacterController playerController;
private CommonParameterContainer commonPramCon;
private SceneBlockContainer blockContainer;
private TargetController targetCon;
private void Start()
// initialize scripts
commonPramCon = commonParameterContainerObj.GetComponent<CommonParameterContainer>();
blockContainer = sceneBlockContainerObj.GetComponent<SceneBlockContainer>();
targetCon = targetControllerObj.GetComponent<TargetController>();
raySensors = GetComponent<RaySensors>();
playerController = this.transform.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
playerController = transform.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
// initialize Environment parameters
lockMouse = commonPramCon.lockMouse;
damage = commonPramCon.damage;
fireRate = commonPramCon.fireRate;
lockCameraX = commonPramCon.lockCameraX;
lockCameraY = commonPramCon.lockCameraY;
@ -199,234 +173,7 @@ public void CameraControl(float Mouse_X, float Mouse_Y)
#endregion Camera Control
#region Reward Functions
// ballistic 射击弹道处理并返回获得reward
private float Ballistic(int shootState)
Vector3 point = new Vector3(fpsCam.pixelWidth / 2, fpsCam.pixelHeight / 2, 0);//发射位置
Ray ray = fpsCam.ScreenPointToRay(point);
RaycastHit hit;
// Debug.DrawRay(centerRay.origin, centerRay.direction * 100, Color.blue);
if (shootState != 0 && gunReadyToggle == true)
lastShootTime = Time.time;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100))
if (hit.collider.tag != myTag && hit.collider.tag != "Wall" && hit.collider.tag != "Untagged")
// kill enemy
GameObject gotHitObj = hit.transform.gameObject;//获取受到Ray撞击的对象
gotHitObj.GetComponent<States>().ReactToHit(damage, gameObject);
shootState = 0;
return targetCon.HitEnemyReward(gotHitObj.transform.position);
if (targetCon.targetTypeInt == (int)Targets.Attack)
// while if attack mode
float targetDis = Vector3.Distance(blockContainer.nowBlock.transform.position, transform.position);
if (targetDis <= raySensors.viewDistance)
// Debug.DrawRay(new Vector3(0,0,0), viewPoint, Color.red);
if (Vector3.Distance(ray.origin + (ray.direction * targetDis), blockContainer.nowBlock.transform.position) <= blockContainer.nowBlock.firebasesAreaDiameter / 2)
// im shooting at target but didn't hit enemy
// Debug.DrawRay(centerRay.origin, viewPoint-centerRay.origin, Color.blue);
return commonPramCon.shootTargetAreaReward;
shootState = 0;
return commonPramCon.shootReward;
else if (shootState != 0 && gunReadyToggle == false)
// shoot without ready
shootState = 0;
return commonPramCon.shootWithoutReadyReward;
// do not shoot
shootState = 0;
return commonPramCon.nonReward;
private float FacingReward()
float nowReward = 0;
bool isFacingtoEnemy = false;
float enemyFacingDistance = 0f;
Vector3 screenCenter = new Vector3(fpsCam.pixelWidth / 2, fpsCam.pixelHeight / 2, 0);
Vector3 screenLeft = new Vector3(0, fpsCam.pixelHeight / 2, 0);
Ray centerRay = fpsCam.ScreenPointToRay(screenCenter);
Ray leftRay = fpsCam.ScreenPointToRay(screenLeft);
// target fireBaseArea Position, turen y to camera's y
Vector3 fireBaseArea = blockContainer.nowBlock.fireBasesAreaObj.transform.position;
fireBaseArea.y = fpsCam.transform.position.y;
// my position, turn y to camera's y
// Debug.DrawRay(fpsCam.transform.position, centerRay.direction * 100, Color.blue);
Vector3 myposition = transform.position;
myposition.y = fpsCam.transform.position.y;
// Target to Agent distance
//Debug.DrawLine(fireBaseArea, myposition, Color.red);
float targetDis = Vector3.Distance(fireBaseArea, myposition);
// point in centerRay and leftRay which distance is targetDis from camera center
Vector3 pointInCenterRay = fpsCam.transform.position + (centerRay.direction * targetDis);
Vector3 pointInLeftRay = fpsCam.transform.position + (leftRay.direction * targetDis);
// center of screen to target's distance
// Debug.DrawLine(pointInCenterRay, fireBaseArea,Color.green);
float camCenterToTarget = Vector3.Distance(pointInCenterRay, fireBaseArea);
// left of screen to target's distance
// Debug.DrawLine(pointInLeftRay, pointInCenterRay, Color.yellow);
float camCenterToViewEdge = Vector3.Distance(pointInLeftRay, pointInCenterRay);
switch (targetCon.targetTypeInt)
case (int)Targets.Free:
//free mode
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(centerRay, out hit, 100))
// facing to an enemy
if (hit.collider.tag != myTag && hit.collider.tag != "Wall")
nowReward = commonPramCon.facingReward;
isFacingtoEnemy = true;
if (raySensors.inViewEnemies.Count > 0 && !isFacingtoEnemy)
// have enemy in view
List<float> projectionDis = new List<float>();
foreach (GameObject theEnemy in raySensors.inViewEnemies)
// for each enemy in view
Vector3 projection = Vector3.Project(theEnemy.transform.position - transform.position, (centerRay.direction * 10));
Vector3 verticalToRay = transform.position + projection - theEnemy.transform.position;
// Debug.Log("enemy!" + verticalToRay.magnitude);
// Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, (centerRay.direction * 100), Color.cyan);
// Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, theEnemy.transform.position - transform.position, Color.yellow);
// Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, projection, Color.blue);
// Debug.DrawRay(theEnemy.transform.position, verticalToRay, Color.magenta);
enemyFacingDistance = projectionDis.Min();
if (enemyFacingDistance <= lastEnemyFacingDistance)
// closing to enemy
nowReward = 1 / MathF.Sqrt(commonPramCon.facingInviewEnemyDisCOEF * enemyFacingDistance + 0.00001f);
nowReward = 0;
// enemy in view Reward
lastEnemyFacingDistance = enemyFacingDistance;
if (nowReward >= commonPramCon.facingReward) nowReward = commonPramCon.facingReward; // limit
if (nowReward <= -commonPramCon.facingReward) nowReward = -commonPramCon.facingReward; // limit
// Debug.Log("ninimum = " + nowReward);
case (int)Targets.Attack:
// attack mode
if (targetDis <= raySensors.viewDistance)
// Debug.DrawRay(new Vector3(0,0,0), viewPoint, Color.red);
// while center of screen between target's distance is lower than firebasesAreaDiameter
// while facing to target
if (camCenterToTarget <= blockContainer.nowBlock.firebasesAreaDiameter / 2)
// Debug.DrawRay(centerRay.origin, viewPoint-centerRay.origin, Color.blue);
nowReward = commonPramCon.facingReward;
// while not facing to target
nowReward = (lastTargetFacingDistance - camCenterToTarget) * commonPramCon.facingTargetReward;
// update lastTargetFacingDistance
lastTargetFacingDistance = camCenterToTarget;
case (int)Targets.Go:
// goto mode
if (camCenterToTarget <= camCenterToViewEdge)
// fireArea is in view
nowReward = commonPramCon.facingReward;
nowReward = 0;
Debug.LogError("Wrong target type");
return nowReward;
public float RewardCalculate(float sceneReward, float mouseX, float movement, int shootState)
float epreward = 0f;
// 击杀reward判断
if (enemyKillCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < enemyKillCount; i++)
// get
epreward += targetCon.KillReward(killEnemyPosition);
enemyKillCount = 0;
enemyKillCount = 0;
// 射击动作reward判断
epreward += Ballistic(shootState) + sceneReward;
// facing reward
epreward += FacingReward();
// Penalty
// spin penalty
if (spinRecord.Count >= commonPramCon.spinRecordMax)
float spinPenaltyReward = Math.Abs(spinRecord.ToArray().Sum() * commonPramCon.spinPenalty);
if (spinPenaltyReward >= commonPramCon.spinPenaltyThreshold)
epreward -= spinPenaltyReward;
epreward -= Math.Abs(mouseX) * commonPramCon.mousePenalty;
// move penalty
if (movement != 0)
epreward -= commonPramCon.movePenalty;
return epreward;
#endregion Reward Functions
// GotKill 获得击杀时用于被呼出
// Got Kill point
public void KillRecord(Vector3 killEnemyPosition)
enemyKillCount += 1;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ public class CommonParameterContainer : MonoBehaviour
public bool lockMouse = false;
public float damage = 50; // damage to enemy
public float fireRate = 0.5f;
public int timeLimit = 30;
@ -21,6 +20,8 @@ public class CommonParameterContainer : MonoBehaviour
public int spinRecordMax = 40;
public float spinPenaltyThreshold = 10;
public float facingInviewEnemyDisCOEF = 0.5f;
public string group1Tag = "Player";
public string group2Tag = "Enemy";
[Header("Dynamic Defaut Rewards")]
//[Tooltip("Hit Enemy reward")]

View File

@ -8,11 +8,12 @@
public class MLAgentsCustomController : Agent
[SerializeField] private GameObject paramContainerObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject CommonParameterContainer;
[SerializeField] private GameObject commonParameterContainer;
[SerializeField] private GameObject targetControllerObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject environmentUIObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject sideChannelObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject hudUIObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject worldUIControllerObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject hudObj;
public bool oneHotRayTag = true;
@ -29,6 +30,8 @@ public class MLAgentsCustomController : Agent
private RaySensors raySensors;
private MessageBoxController messageBoxController;
private AimBotSideChannelController sideChannelController;
private WorldUIController worldUICon;
private RewardFunction rewardFunction;
// observation
private float[] myObserve = new float[4];
@ -40,29 +43,26 @@ public class MLAgentsCustomController : Agent
private float remainTime;
private float inAreaState;
private int finishedState;
private int step = 0;
private int EP = 0;
private int endTypeInt;
private void Start()
agentController = transform.GetComponent<AgentController>();
raySensors = transform.GetComponent<RaySensors>();
paramContainer = paramContainerObj.GetComponent<ParameterContainer>();
commonParamCon = CommonParameterContainer.GetComponent<CommonParameterContainer>();
commonParamCon = commonParameterContainer.GetComponent<CommonParameterContainer>();
targetController = targetControllerObj.GetComponent<TargetController>();
envUIController = environmentUIObj.GetComponent<EnvironmentUIControl>();
hudController = hudUIObj.GetComponent<HUDController>();
targetUIController = hudUIObj.GetComponent<TargetUIController>();
messageBoxController = hudUIObj.GetComponent<MessageBoxController>();
hudController = hudObj.GetComponent<HUDController>();
targetUIController = hudObj.GetComponent<TargetUIController>();
messageBoxController = worldUIControllerObj.GetComponent<MessageBoxController>();
sideChannelController = sideChannelObj.GetComponent<AimBotSideChannelController>();
rewardFunction = gameObject.GetComponent<RewardFunction>();
worldUICon = worldUIControllerObj.GetComponent<WorldUIController>();
#region On episode begin function
public override void OnEpisodeBegin()
step = 0;
if (commonParamCon.gameMode == 0)
@ -88,10 +88,6 @@ public override void OnEpisodeBegin()
raySensors.UpdateRayInfo(); // update raycast
#endregion On episode begin function
#region Observation sensor function
public override void CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)
//List<float> enemyLDisList = RaySensors.enemyLDisList;// All Enemy Lside Distances
@ -139,10 +135,6 @@ public override void CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)
//sensor.AddObservation(remainTime); // RemainTime int
#endregion Observation sensor function
#region Action received function
public override void OnActionReceived(ActionBuffers actionBuffers)
@ -161,24 +153,24 @@ public override void OnActionReceived(ActionBuffers actionBuffers)
float sceneReward = 0f;
float endReward = 0f;
(finishedState, sceneReward, endReward) = targetController.CheckOverAndRewards();
float nowRoundReward = agentController.RewardCalculate(sceneReward + endReward, Mouse_X, Math.Abs(vertical) + Math.Abs(horizontal), mouseShoot);
(endTypeInt, sceneReward, endReward) = rewardFunction.CheckOverAndRewards();
float nowReward = rewardFunction.RewardCalculate(sceneReward + endReward, Mouse_X, Math.Abs(vertical) + Math.Abs(horizontal), mouseShoot);
if (hudController.chartOn)
//Debug.Log("reward = " + nowRoundReward);
if (finishedState != (int)TargetController.EndType.Running)
worldUICon.UpdateChart(targetController.targetTypeInt, endTypeInt);
//Debug.Log("reward = " + nowReward);
if (endTypeInt != (int)TargetController.EndType.Running)
// Win or lose Finished
Debug.Log("Finish reward = " + nowRoundReward);
EP += 1;
Debug.Log("Finish reward = " + nowReward);
string targetString = Enum.GetName(typeof(Targets), targetController.targetTypeInt);
switch (finishedState)
switch (endTypeInt)
case (int)TargetController.EndType.Win:
sideChannelController.SendSideChannelMessage("Result", targetString + "|Win");
@ -198,21 +190,16 @@ public override void OnActionReceived(ActionBuffers actionBuffers)
// game not over yet
step += 1;
#endregion Action received function
#region Heuristic function
public override void Heuristic(in ActionBuffers actionsOut)
@ -270,6 +257,4 @@ public override void Heuristic(in ActionBuffers actionsOut)
//continuousActions[2] = timeLimit;
#endregion Heuristic function

View File

@ -5,24 +5,13 @@
public class TargetController : MonoBehaviour
private GameObject environmentObj;
private GameObject agentObj;
private GameObject HUDObj;
private GameObject sceneBlockContainerObj;
private GameObject enemyContainerObj;
private GameObject parameterContainerObj;
private GameObject commonParameterContainerObj;
private GameObject environmentUIObj;
private GameObject worldUIObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject environmentObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject agentObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject HUDObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject sceneBlockContainerObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject enemyContainerObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject commonParameterContainerObj;
[SerializeField] private GameObject environmentUIObj;
// area
public GameObject edgeUp;
@ -32,11 +21,6 @@ public class TargetController : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject edgeRight;
public GameObject edgeAgent_Enemy;
public string group1Tag = "Player";
public string group2Tag = "Enemy";
public float minEnemyAreaX;
[System.NonSerialized] public float maxEnemyAreaX;
[System.NonSerialized] public float minEnemyAreaZ;
@ -63,23 +47,20 @@ public enum EndType
[System.NonSerialized] public int targetNum = 0;
private Dictionary<int, float[]> oneHotRarget = new Dictionary<int, float[]>();
private int inArea = 0;
private float freeProb;
private float sceneBlockSize;
private float lastDistance;
private int randBlockType = 0;
private int randLevel = 0;
public int inArea = 0;
public Vector3 targetPosition;
private bool firstRewardFlag = true;
private bool targetEnemySpawnFinish = false;
public bool targetEnemySpawnFinish = false;
private SceneBlockContainer sceneBlockCon;
private EnemyContainer enemyCon;
private EnvironmentUIControl envUICon;
private ParameterContainer paramCon;
private CommonParameterContainer commonParamCon;
private CharacterController agentCharaCon;
private WorldUIController worldUICon;
private HUDController hudCon;
private MessageBoxController messageBoxCon;
@ -94,8 +75,6 @@ private void Start()
envUICon = environmentUIObj.GetComponent<EnvironmentUIControl>();
enemyCon = enemyContainerObj.GetComponent<EnemyContainer>();
agentCharaCon = agentObj.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
paramCon = parameterContainerObj.GetComponent<ParameterContainer>();
worldUICon = worldUIObj.GetComponent<WorldUIController>();
hudCon = HUDObj.GetComponent<HUDController>();
messageBoxCon = HUDObj.GetComponent<MessageBoxController>();
@ -279,7 +258,7 @@ private void RandomSpawnSceneBlock(Targets targetType)
// init scene block
sceneBlockCon.CreateNewBlock(targetType, randLevel, randBlockType, targetPosition, group1Tag, group2Tag);
sceneBlockCon.CreateNewBlock(targetType, randLevel, randBlockType, targetPosition, commonParamCon.group1Tag, commonParamCon.group2Tag);
enemyCon.RandomInitEnemysExcept(hudCon.enemyNum, targetPosition, sceneBlockSize);
@ -287,260 +266,6 @@ private void RandomSpawnSceneBlock(Targets targetType)
#endregion Random SceneBlock Spawn Method
#region Reward function
/// <summary>
/// Checks the game's end state and retrieves rewards.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A tuple containing the game's end type, current reward, and final reward.
/// 1 = success,2 = overtime,0 = notover</returns>
public (int, float, float) CheckOverAndRewards()
int endTypeInt = 0;
float nowReward = 0;
float endReward = 0;
float nowDistance = 0f;
switch (targetTypeInt)
case (int)Targets.Go:
// goto
(nowDistance, inArea) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position);
envUICon.UpdateTargetGauge(sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong, sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint);
float areaTargetReward = GetDistanceReward(nowDistance, inArea);
//if(inArea != 0)
if (sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong >= sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint)
// win
// let the area belongs to me
nowReward = areaTargetReward;
endReward = paramCon.goWinReward;
//nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getDistanceReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win;
else if (leftTime <= 0)
// time out lose
nowReward = areaTargetReward;
endReward = commonParamCon.loseReward;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose;
// keep on keeping on!
nowReward = areaTargetReward;
endReward = 0;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running;
case (int)Targets.Attack:
// attack
(nowDistance, inArea) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position);
envUICon.UpdateTargetGauge(sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong, sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint);
if (sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.GetInAreaNumber(group2Tag) <= 0 && targetEnemySpawnFinish)
// win
// let the area belongs to me and kill every enmy in this area.
nowReward = 0;
endReward = paramCon.attackWinReward;
//nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win;
targetEnemySpawnFinish = false;
else if (leftTime <= 0 && targetEnemySpawnFinish)
// time out lose
nowReward = 0;
endReward = commonParamCon.loseReward;
//nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose;
targetEnemySpawnFinish = false;
// keep on keeping on!
// nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getDistanceReward(nowDistance);
nowReward = 0;
endReward = 0;
targetEnemySpawnFinish = true;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running;
case (int)Targets.Defence:
// !!! DIDN't FINISH!!!
(nowDistance, inArea) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position);
envUICon.UpdateTargetGauge(sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong, sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint);
if (leftTime <= 0 && sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong >= 0f)
// win
// time over and the area still mine
nowReward = paramCon.defenceWinReward;
//nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win;
else if (sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.firebasesBelong <= sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.belongMaxPoint)
// lost area lose
nowReward = commonParamCon.loseReward;
//nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getSceneReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose;
// keep on keeping on!
// nowReward = (paramCon.inAreaReward * inArea) + getDistanceReward(nowDistance);
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running;
case (int)Targets.Stay:
// Stay
// endless
nowReward = 0;
endReward = 0;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running;
//free kill
if (enemyContainerObj.transform.childCount <= 0)
// win
// nowReward = paramCon.winReward + (paramCon.timeBonusPerSecReward * leftTime);
nowReward = 0;
endReward = paramCon.freeWinReward;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Win;
else if (leftTime <= 0)
// lose
//nowReward = paramCon.loseReward;
nowReward = 0;
endReward = commonParamCon.loseReward;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Lose;
// keep on keeping on!
nowReward = 0;
endReward = 0;
endTypeInt = (int)EndType.Running;
worldUICon.UpdateChart(targetTypeInt, endTypeInt);
return (endTypeInt, nowReward, endReward);
/// <summary>
/// Calculates scene reward based on distance, granting higher rewards for being closer to the target.
/// 根据距离计算场景奖励,靠近目标则获得更高奖励。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nowDistance">The current distance.</param>
/// <param name="inarea">Whether inside an area.</param>
/// <returns>The reward value calculated based on distance.</returns>
private float GetDistanceReward(float nowDistance, int inarea)
if (firstRewardFlag)
// first distance record
(lastDistance, _) = sceneBlockCon.GetAgentTargetDistanceAndInside(agentObj.transform.position);
firstRewardFlag = false;
float nowSeneReward = 0f;
if (inarea != 0)
// in area
nowSeneReward = paramCon.inAreaReward;
// out of area
// nowSeneReward = paramCon.distanceReward * Math.Clamp(lastDistance - nowDistance, 0, 100);
nowSeneReward = commonParamCon.distanceReward * (lastDistance - nowDistance);
lastDistance = nowDistance;
return nowSeneReward;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates kill reward based on the position of the killed enemy.
/// 根据击杀的敌人位置计算击杀奖励。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enemyPosition">The position of the killed enemy.</param>
/// <returns>The reward value calculated based on the kill position.</returns>
public float KillReward(Vector3 enemyPosition)
float nowKillReward = 0f;
if (targetTypeInt == (int)Targets.Attack)
// attack mode
(_, int isInArea) = sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.GetDistInArea(enemyPosition);
if (isInArea == 1)
// kill in area enemy
nowKillReward = paramCon.killTargetEnemyReward;
nowKillReward = commonParamCon.killNonTargetReward;
else if (targetTypeInt == (int)Targets.Free)
// free mode hit
nowKillReward = paramCon.killTargetEnemyReward;
// goto & defence
nowKillReward = commonParamCon.killNonTargetReward;
return nowKillReward;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates hit reward based on the position of the hit enemy and the current mode.
/// 根据击中的敌人位置和当前模式计算击中Reward。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enemyPosition">The position of the hit enemy.</param>
/// <returns>The reward value calculated based on the hit position and mode.</returns>
public float HitEnemyReward(Vector3 enemyPosition)
float nowHitReward = 0f;
if (targetTypeInt == (int)Targets.Attack)
// attack mode
(_, int isInArea) = sceneBlockCon.nowBlock.GetDistInArea(enemyPosition);
if (isInArea == 1)
// hit in area enemy
nowHitReward = paramCon.hitTargetReward;
// hit not in area enemy
nowHitReward = commonParamCon.hitNonTargetReward;
else if (targetTypeInt == (int)Targets.Free)
// free mode hit
nowHitReward = paramCon.hitTargetReward;
// goto & defence
nowHitReward = commonParamCon.hitNonTargetReward;
return nowHitReward;
#endregion Reward function
#region Play Mode Method
/// <summary>

View File

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View File

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