Unity: No more detect Closest enemy info. Add different density sensor let agent get more state information on the center of view. Adjust Start Scene UI manager. Add in game visible rayCast & information that rayCast detect. Python: Start use mypy black and flake8 to format Python.
680 lines
24 KiB
680 lines
24 KiB
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEditor;
using Unity.MLAgents;
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors;
using Unity.MLAgents.Actuators;
using XCharts;
using XCharts.Runtime;
public class AgentWithGun : Agent
public GameObject thisAgentObj;
public Transform thisAgent;
public Camera thisCam;
public CharacterController PlayerController;
public GameObject enemyPrefab;
[Tooltip("Nothing happened reward")]
public float nonRewardDefault = -0.05f;
[Tooltip("Agent Do shoot action reward")]
public float shootRewardDefault = -0.1f;
[Tooltip("Agent Do shoot action but gun is not read")]
public float shootWithoutReadyRewardDefault = -1.0f;
[Tooltip("Hit Enemy reward")]
public float hitRewardDefault = 2.0f;
[Tooltip("Episode Win reward")]
public float winRewardDefault = 10.0f;
[Tooltip("Episode Lose reward")]
public float loseRewardDefault = -10.0f;
[Tooltip("Enemy down reward")]
public float killRewardDefault = 5.0f;
public bool lockMouse = false;
public float Damage = 50; // damage to enemy
public float fireRate = 0.5f;
public int enemyNum = 3;
public int timeLimit = 30;
public bool lockCameraX = false;
public bool lockCameraY = true;
//public Vector3 startPosition = new Vector3(9, 1, 18);
public int minEnemyAreaX = -12;
public int maxEnemyAreaX = 11;
public int minEnemyAreaY = -20;
public int maxEnemyAreaY = 20;
public int minAgentAreaX = -12;
public int maxAgentAreaX = 11;
public int minAgentAreaY = -28;
public int maxAgentAreaY = -22;
[Header("GetAxis() Simulate")]
public float MoveSpeed = 2.0f;
public float vX = 0f;
public float vZ = 0f;
public float acceleration = 0.1f; // 加速度
public float mouseXSensitivity = 100;
public float mouseYSensitivity = 200;
public float yRotation = 0.1f;//定义一个浮点类型的量,记录‘围绕’X轴旋转的角度
private float startTime = 0;
private int shoot = 0;
private float lastShootTime = 0.0f;
private int nowEnemyNum = 0;
private int enemyKillCount = 0;
private int step = 0;
private int EP = 0;
private string LoadDirDate;
private string LoadDirTime;
private float LoadDirDateF;
private float loadDirTimeF;
private StartSeneData DataTransfer;
private UIController UICon;
private HistoryRecorder HistoryRec;
private RaySensors rayScript;
[System.NonSerialized]public float nonReward;
[System.NonSerialized] public float shootReward;
[System.NonSerialized] public float shootWithoutReadyReward;
[System.NonSerialized] public float hitReward;
[System.NonSerialized] public float winReward;
[System.NonSerialized] public float loseReward;
[System.NonSerialized] public float killReward;
[System.NonSerialized] public float saveNow = 0;
[System.NonSerialized] public int remainTime;
void Start()
// get DataTranfer
DataTransfer = GameObject.Find("StartSeneDataTransfer").GetComponent<StartSeneData>();
// Enemy Num
enemyNum = DataTransfer.EnemyNum;
// Time Limit
timeLimit = DataTransfer.Timelim;
// get load directory.
LoadDirDate = DataTransfer.LoadDirDate;
LoadDirTime = DataTransfer.LoadDirTime;
LoadDirDateF = float.Parse(LoadDirDate);
loadDirTimeF = float.Parse(LoadDirTime);
// get Default reward.
nonRewardDefault = DataTransfer.nonReward;
shootRewardDefault = DataTransfer.shootReward;
shootWithoutReadyRewardDefault = DataTransfer.shootWithoutReadyReward;
hitRewardDefault = DataTransfer.hitReward;
killRewardDefault = DataTransfer.killReward;
winRewardDefault = DataTransfer.winReward;
loseRewardDefault = DataTransfer.loseReward;
// change Decision Period & Take Actions Between Decisions
transform.GetComponent<DecisionRequester>().DecisionPeriod = DataTransfer.DecisionPeriod;
transform.GetComponent<DecisionRequester>().TakeActionsBetweenDecisions = DataTransfer.ActionsBetweenDecisions;
catch (NullReferenceException)
// Enemy Num
enemyNum = 3;
// Time Limit
timeLimit = 30;
// get load directory.
LoadDirDate = "0";
LoadDirTime = "0";
LoadDirDateF = float.Parse(LoadDirDate);
loadDirTimeF = float.Parse(LoadDirTime);
// get Default reward.
nonRewardDefault = -0.05f;
shootRewardDefault = -0.06f;
shootWithoutReadyRewardDefault = -0.06f;
hitRewardDefault = 5.0f;
killRewardDefault = 10.0f;
winRewardDefault = 20.0f;
loseRewardDefault = -10.0f;
// change Decision Period & Take Actions Between Decisions
transform.GetComponent<DecisionRequester>().DecisionPeriod = 1;
transform.GetComponent<DecisionRequester>().TakeActionsBetweenDecisions = true;
UICon = transform.GetComponent<UIController>();
HistoryRec = transform.GetComponent<HistoryRecorder>();
rayScript = GetComponent<RaySensors>();
// give default Reward to Reward value will be used.
nonReward = nonRewardDefault;
shootReward = shootRewardDefault;
shootWithoutReadyReward = shootWithoutReadyRewardDefault;
hitReward = hitRewardDefault;
winReward = winRewardDefault;
loseReward = loseRewardDefault;
killReward = killRewardDefault;
//initialize remainTime
remainTime = (int)(timeLimit - Time.time + startTime);
/* ----------此Update用于debug,Build前删除或注释掉!----------*/
/*void Update()
/* ----------此Update用于debug,Build前删除或注释掉!----------*/
// --------------初始化---------------
// randomInitEnemys随机生成enemy
public void randomInitEnemys(int EnemyNum)
for (int i = 0; i < EnemyNum; i++)
int randX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minEnemyAreaX, maxEnemyAreaX);
int randZ = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minEnemyAreaY, maxEnemyAreaY);
int Y = 1;
Instantiate(enemyPrefab, new Vector3(randX, Y, randZ), Quaternion.identity);
// --------------初始化---------------
// randomInitAgent随机位置初始化Agent
public void randomInitAgent()
int randX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minAgentAreaX, maxAgentAreaX);
int randZ = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minAgentAreaY, maxAgentAreaY);
int Y = 1;
Vector3 initAgentLoc = new Vector3(randX, Y, randZ);
thisAgent.localPosition = initAgentLoc;
// ------------动作处理--------------
// moveAgent 用于模拟Input.GetAxis移动
public void moveAgent(int kW, int kS,int kA,int kD)
Vector3 thisMovement;
int horizontal = 0;
int vertical = 0;
if (kW==1 && kS != 1)
vertical = 1;
else if (kS==1 && kW!=1)
vertical = -1;
if (kD==1 && kA!=1)
horizontal = 1;
else if (kA ==1 && kD!=1)
horizontal = -1;
if (horizontal != 0)//当按下按键(水平方向)
if (vX < MoveSpeed && vX > -MoveSpeed)//当前速度小于最大速度
vX += (float)horizontal * acceleration;//增加加速度
if ((vX * horizontal) > 0)//输入与当前速度方向同向
vX = (float)horizontal * MoveSpeed; //限制最大速度
vX += (float)horizontal * acceleration;//增加加速度
if (Math.Abs(vX) > 0.001)
vX -= (vX / Math.Abs(vX)) * acceleration;//减少加速度
vX = 0;
if (vertical != 0)//当按下按键(垂直方向)
if (vZ < MoveSpeed && vZ > -MoveSpeed)//当前速度小于最大速度
vZ += (float)vertical * acceleration;//增加加速度
if ((vZ * vertical) > 0)//输入与当前速度方向同向
vZ = (float)vertical * MoveSpeed; //限制最大速度
vZ += (float)vertical * acceleration;//增加加速度
if (Math.Abs(vZ) > 0.001)
vZ -= (vZ / Math.Abs(vZ)) * acceleration;//减少加速度
vZ = 0;
thisMovement = (transform.forward * vZ + transform.right * vX) * MoveSpeed;
PlayerController.Move(thisMovement * Time.deltaTime);
// update Key Viewer
// ------------动作处理--------------
// cameraControl 用于控制Agent视角转动
public void cameraControl(float Mouse_X,float Mouse_Y)
//Mouse_X = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * MouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
//Debug.Log(Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"));
//Mouse_Y = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * MouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
if (lockCameraX)
Mouse_X = 0;
if (lockCameraY)
Mouse_Y = 0;
yRotation = yRotation - Mouse_Y;
//limit UP DOWN between -90 -> 90
yRotation = Mathf.Clamp(yRotation, -90f, 90f);
thisAgent.Rotate(Vector3.up * Mouse_X);
//Vector3.up相当于Vector3(0,1,0),CameraRotation.Rotate(Vector3.up * Mouse_X)相当于使CameraRotation对象绕y轴旋转Mouse_X个单位
thisCam.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(yRotation, 0, 0);
//transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Eular(x,y,z)控制旋转的时候,按照X-Y-Z轴的旋转顺规
// GotKill 获得击杀时用于被呼出
public void GotKill()
enemyKillCount += 1;
// check gun is ready to shoot
bool gunReady()
if ((Time.time - lastShootTime) >= fireRate)
return true;
return false;
// ballistic 射击弹道处理,并返回获得reward
float ballistic()
Vector3 point = new Vector3(thisCam.pixelWidth / 2, thisCam.pixelHeight / 2, 0);//发射位置
Ray ray = thisCam.ScreenPointToRay(point);
RaycastHit hit;
Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * 100, Color.blue);
bool isGunReady = gunReady();
if (shoot != 0 && isGunReady == true)
lastShootTime = Time.time;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100))
if (hit.collider.tag == "Enemy")
GameObject gotHitObj = hit.transform.gameObject;//获取受到Ray撞击的对象
gotHitObj.GetComponent<Enemy>().ReactToHit(Damage, thisAgentObj);
shoot = 0;
return hitReward;
shoot = 0;
return shootReward;
else if (shoot != 0 && isGunReady == false)
shoot = 0;
return shootWithoutReadyReward;
shoot = 0;
return nonReward;
// destroyEnemy消除除了自己以外的所有Enemy
public void destroyAllEnemys()
GameObject[] EnemyGameObjs;
EnemyGameObjs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");
foreach (GameObject EnemyObj in EnemyGameObjs)
Vector3 thisEnemyPosition = EnemyObj.transform.position;
Vector3 thisEnemyScale = EnemyObj.transform.localScale;
Vector3 MyselfPosition = thisAgent.position;
if (thisEnemyPosition == MyselfPosition)
//Debug.Log("OH It's me");
// checkFinish 检查是否结束回合返回int值
// 1 = success,2 = overtime,0 = notover
int checkFinish()
GameObject[] EnemyGameObjs;
EnemyGameObjs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");
if(EnemyGameObjs.Length <= 1)
return 1;
else if(Time.time - startTime >= timeLimit)
return 2;
return 0;
// getEnemyNum 获取现场除了自己以外的敌人数量
int getEnemyNum()
int enemyNum = 0;
GameObject[] EnemyGameObjs;
EnemyGameObjs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");
foreach (GameObject EnemyObj in EnemyGameObjs)
Vector3 thisEnemyPosition = EnemyObj.transform.position;
Vector3 thisEnemyScale = EnemyObj.transform.localScale;
Vector3 MyselfPosition = thisAgent.position;
if (thisEnemyPosition == MyselfPosition)
//Debug.Log("OH It's me");
enemyNum += 1;
return enemyNum;
// enemyNumDiff 获取与上一把相比敌人数量的区别
int enemyNumDiff()
int diff = 0;
int nowEnemyNum = getEnemyNum();
diff = enemyNum - nowEnemyNum;
return diff;
// ------------Reward--------------
// rewardCalculate 计算本动作的Reward
public float rewardCalculate()
float epreward = 0f;
// 击杀reward判断
if(enemyKillCount > 0)
for(int i = 0;i < enemyKillCount; i++)
epreward += killReward;
enemyKillCount = 0;
enemyKillCount = 0;
// 射击动作reward判断
epreward += ballistic();
return epreward;
// ML-AGENTS处理-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ML-AGENTS
// env开始执行初始化
public override void OnEpisodeBegin()
step = 0;
if (EP == 0)
if (lockMouse)
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; // 隐藏并且锁定鼠标
thisAgentObj.name = thisAgentObj.GetInstanceID().ToString();
startTime = Time.time;// Reset StartTime as now time
nowEnemyNum = getEnemyNum(); // Reset Enemy number
// ML-AGENTS处理-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ML-AGENTS
// 观察情报
public override void CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)
//List<float> enemyLDisList = RaySensors.enemyLDisList;// All Enemy Lside Distances
//List<float> enemyRDisList = RaySensors.enemyRDisList;// All Enemy Rside Distances
float[] myObserve = { thisAgent.position.x, thisAgent.position.y, thisAgent.position.z, thisAgent.rotation.w };
float[] rayTagResult = rayScript.rayTagResult;// 探测用RayTag结果 float[](raySensorNum,1)
float[] rayDisResult = rayScript.rayDisResult; // 探测用RayDis结果 float[](raySensorNum,1)
//float[] focusEnemyObserve = RaySensors.focusEnemyInfo;// 最近的Enemy情报 float[](3,1) MinEnemyIndex,x,z
//sensor.AddObservation(allEnemyNum); // 敌人数量 int
sensor.AddObservation(myObserve); // 自机位置xyz+朝向 float[](4,1)
sensor.AddObservation(rayTagResult); // 探测用RayTag结果 float[](raySensorNum,1)
sensor.AddObservation(rayDisResult); // 探测用RayDis结果 float[](raySensorNum,1)
//sensor.AddObservation(focusEnemyObserve); // 最近的Enemy情报 float[](3,1) MinEnemyIndex,x,z
//sensor.AddObservation(raySensorNum); // raySensor数量 int
sensor.AddObservation(LoadDirDateF); // 用于loadModel的第一级dir
sensor.AddObservation(loadDirTimeF); // 用于loadModel的第二级dir
sensor.AddObservation(saveNow); // sent saveNow Toggle to python let agent save weights
saveNow = 0; // reset saveNow Toggle
//sensor.AddObservation(remainTime); // RemainTime int
// ML-AGENTS处理-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ML-AGENTS
// agent 输入处理
public override void OnActionReceived(ActionBuffers actionBuffers)
int kW = actionBuffers.DiscreteActions[0];
int kS = actionBuffers.DiscreteActions[1];
int kA = actionBuffers.DiscreteActions[2];
int kD = actionBuffers.DiscreteActions[3];
int mouseShoot = actionBuffers.DiscreteActions[4];
float Mouse_X = actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[0];
//float Mouse_Y = actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[1];
//int timeLimitControl = (int)actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[2];
//float nonRewardIn = actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[1];
//float shootRewardIn = actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[2];
//float shootWithoutReadyRewardIn = actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[3];
//float hitRewardIn = actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[4];
//float winRewardIn = actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[5];
// loseRewardIn = actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[6];
//float killRewardIn = actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[7];
//Rewards Update
remainTime = (int)(timeLimit - Time.time + startTime);
shoot = mouseShoot;
HistoryRec.realTimeKeyCounter(kW, kS, kA, kD, shoot);
(int kWCount, int kSCount, int kACount, int kDCount, int shootCount) = HistoryRec.getKeyCount();
UICon.updateWASDKeyViewer(kW, kS, kA, kD);
UICon.updateKeyCounterChart(kWCount, kSCount, kACount, kDCount, shootCount);
UICon.updateRewardViewer(nonReward, shootReward, shootWithoutReadyReward, hitReward, winReward, loseReward, killReward);
cameraControl(Mouse_X, 0);
moveAgent(kW, kS, kA, kD);
float thisRoundReward = rewardCalculate();
int finished = checkFinish();
if (finished == 1)
//Win Finished
UICon.epUpdateChart(EP, HistoryRec.getLastEPTotalReward());
EP += 1;
Debug.Log("reward = " + winReward);
else if(finished == 2)
//Lose Finished
UICon.epUpdateChart(EP, HistoryRec.getLastEPTotalReward());
EP += 1;
Debug.Log("reward = " + loseReward);
// game not over yet
UICon.stepUpdateChart(step, thisRoundReward);
step += 1;
Debug.Log("reward = " + thisRoundReward);
// ML-AGENTS处理-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ML-AGENTS
// 控制调试
public override void Heuristic(in ActionBuffers actionsOut)
ActionSegment<float> continuousActions = actionsOut.ContinuousActions;
ActionSegment<int> discreteActions = actionsOut.DiscreteActions;
int kW = 0;
int kS = 0;
int kA = 0;
int kD = 0;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W))
kW = 1;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
kS = 1;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
kA = 1;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
kD = 1;
discreteActions[0] = kW;
discreteActions[1] = kS;
discreteActions[2] = kA;
discreteActions[3] = kD;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
// Debug.Log("mousebuttonhit");
shoot = 1;
discreteActions[4] = shoot;
float Mouse_X = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * mouseXSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
float Mouse_Y = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * mouseYSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
continuousActions[0] = Mouse_X;
//continuousActions[1] = nonReward;
//continuousActions[2] = shootReward;
//continuousActions[3] = shootWithoutReadyReward;
//continuousActions[4] = hitReward;
//continuousActions[5] = winReward;
//continuousActions[6] = loseReward;
//continuousActions[7] = killReward;
//continuousActions[1] = Mouse_Y;
//continuousActions[2] = timeLimit;
} |