对应版本2.9 优化以下错误提示:UserWarning: Creating a tensor from a list of numpy.ndarrays is extremely slow. Please consider converting the list to a single numpy.ndarray with numpy.array() before converting to a tensor.
142 lines
7.1 KiB
142 lines
7.1 KiB
import torch
import numpy as np
import argparse
from ppoagent import PPOAgent
from enum import Enum
# public data
class Targets(Enum):
Free = 0
Go = 1
Attack = 2
Defence = 3
Num = 4
class PPOMem:
def __init__(
args: argparse.Namespace,
unity_agent_num: int,
device: torch.device,
) -> None:
self.target_num = args.target_num
self.data_set_size = args.datasetSize
self.result_broadcast_ratio = args.result_broadcast_ratio
self.decision_period = args.decision_period
self.unity_agent_num = unity_agent_num
self.base_lose_reward = args.base_lose_reward
self.base_win_reward = args.base_win_reward
self.target_state_size = args.target_state_size
self.device = device
# Trajectory Buffer
self.ob_bf = [[] for i in range(self.unity_agent_num)]
self.act_bf = [[] for i in range(self.unity_agent_num)]
self.dis_logprobs_bf = [[] for i in range(self.unity_agent_num)]
self.con_logprobs_bf = [[] for i in range(self.unity_agent_num)]
self.rewards_bf = [[] for i in range(self.unity_agent_num)]
self.dones_bf = [[] for i in range(self.unity_agent_num)]
self.values_bf = [[] for i in range(self.unity_agent_num)]
# initialize empty training datasets
self.obs = [torch.tensor([]).to(device) for i in range(self.target_num)] # (TARGETNUM,n,env.unity_observation_size)
self.actions = [torch.tensor([]).to(device) for i in range(self.target_num)] # (TARGETNUM,n,env.unity_action_size)
self.dis_logprobs = [torch.tensor([]).to(device) for i in range(self.target_num)] # (TARGETNUM,n,1)
self.con_logprobs = [torch.tensor([]).to(device) for i in range(self.target_num)] # (TARGETNUM,n,1)
self.rewards = [torch.tensor([]).to(device) for i in range(self.target_num)] # (TARGETNUM,n,1)
self.values = [torch.tensor([]).to(device) for i in range(self.target_num)] # (TARGETNUM,n,1)
self.advantages = [torch.tensor([]).to(device) for i in range(self.target_num)] # (TARGETNUM,n,1)
self.returns = [torch.tensor([]).to(device) for i in range(self.target_num)] # (TARGETNUM,n,1)
def broad_cast_end_reward(self, rewardBF: list, remainTime: float) -> torch.Tensor:
thisRewardBF = rewardBF.copy()
if rewardBF[-1] <= -500:
# print("Lose DO NOT BROAD CAST",rewardBF[-1])
thisRewardBF[-1] = rewardBF[-1] - self.base_lose_reward
elif rewardBF[-1] >= 500:
# print("Win! Broadcast reward!",rewardBF[-1])
print(sum(thisRewardBF) / len(thisRewardBF))
thisRewardBF[-1] = rewardBF[-1] - self.base_win_reward
thisRewardBF = (np.asarray(thisRewardBF) + (remainTime * self.result_broadcast_ratio)).tolist()
print("!!!!!DIDNT GET RESULT REWARD!!!!!!", rewardBF[-1])
return torch.Tensor(thisRewardBF).to(self.device)
def save_memories(
now_step: int,
agent: PPOAgent,
state: np.ndarray,
action_cpu: np.ndarray,
dis_logprob_cpu: np.ndarray,
con_logprob_cpu: np.ndarray,
reward: list,
done: list,
value_cpu: np.ndarray,
last_reward: list,
next_done: list,
next_state: np.ndarray,
for i in range(self.unity_agent_num):
if now_step % self.decision_period == 0 or next_done[i] == True:
# only on decision period or finished a round, save memories to buffer
if now_step % self.decision_period == 0:
# on decision period, add last skiped round's reward
self.rewards_bf[i].append(reward[i] + last_reward[i])
# not on decision period, only add this round's reward
if next_done[i] == True:
# finished a round, send finished memories to training datasets
# compute advantage and discounted reward
remainTime = state[i, self.target_state_size]
roundTargetType = int(state[i, 0])
thisRewardsTensor = self.broad_cast_end_reward(self.rewards_bf[i], remainTime)
adv, rt = agent.gae(
# send memories to training datasets
self.obs[roundTargetType] = torch.cat((self.obs[roundTargetType], torch.tensor(np.array(self.ob_bf[i])).to(self.device)), 0)
self.actions[roundTargetType] = torch.cat((self.actions[roundTargetType], torch.tensor(np.array(self.act_bf[i])).to(self.device)), 0)
self.dis_logprobs[roundTargetType] = torch.cat((self.dis_logprobs[roundTargetType], torch.tensor(np.array(self.dis_logprobs_bf[i])).to(self.device)), 0)
self.con_logprobs[roundTargetType] = torch.cat((self.con_logprobs[roundTargetType], torch.tensor(np.array(self.con_logprobs_bf[i])).to(self.device)), 0)
self.rewards[roundTargetType] = torch.cat((self.rewards[roundTargetType], thisRewardsTensor), 0)
self.values[roundTargetType] = torch.cat((self.values[roundTargetType], torch.tensor(np.array(self.values_bf[i])).to(self.device)), 0)
self.advantages[roundTargetType] = torch.cat((self.advantages[roundTargetType], adv), 0)
self.returns[roundTargetType] = torch.cat((self.returns[roundTargetType], rt), 0)
# clear buffers
print(f"train dataset {Targets(roundTargetType).name} added:{self.obs[roundTargetType].size()[0]}/{self.data_set_size}")
def clear_buffers(self,ind:int):
# clear buffers
self.ob_bf[ind] = []
self.act_bf[ind] = []
self.dis_logprobs_bf[ind] = []
self.con_logprobs_bf[ind] = []
self.rewards_bf[ind] = []
self.dones_bf[ind] = []
self.values_bf[ind] = []
def clear_training_datasets(self,ind:int):
# clear training datasets
self.obs[ind] = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device)
self.actions[ind] = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device)
self.dis_logprobs[ind] = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device)
self.con_logprobs[ind] = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device)
self.rewards[ind] = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device)
self.values[ind] = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device)
self.advantages[ind] = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device)
self.returns[ind] = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device) |