322 lines
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322 lines
15 KiB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class RaySensors : MonoBehaviour
public Camera agentCam;
public GameObject myself;
public int rayNum = 6;
public string EnemyTagName;
public string WallTagName;
public float viewDistance = 100; // how long the ray can detect
public float Damage = 50; // damage to enemy
public float attentionRange = 1f; //注意力范围,1为最大
public float MaxDistance = 9999999999f;
public float EnemyWidthRedundancy = 0.01f; //为了确保Ray可以击中Enemy,用于缩小EnemyWidth的长度
//public List<string> tagNames = new List<string>();
public static int allEnemyNum = 0;//All Enemy Num
public static float[] focusEnemyInfo = new float[3];
public static float[] rayTagResult; // Array to save Tag Result
public static float[] rayDisResult; // Array to save Distance Result
public static List<float> enemyLDisList = new List<float>();// All Enemy Lside Distances
public static List<float> enemyRDisList = new List<float>();// All Enemy Rside Distances
public bool showEnemySensor = true;
public bool showEyeSensor = true;
static int tagToInt(string tag)
switch (tag)
case "Wall":
return 1;
case "Enemy":
return 2;
return 0;
// 敌人Ray探测处理
// 返回
(int, List<float>, List<float>, float[]) enemySensorRay(GameObject myself, Camera agentCam, float attentionRange)
List<float> thisLDistanceList = new List<float>();
List<float> thisRDistanceList = new List<float>();
GameObject[] EnemyGameObjs;
EnemyGameObjs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");
int EnemyIndex = 0;
float MinEnemyDis = MaxDistance+1.0f;
int MinEnemyIndex = 0;
float[] MinEnemyInfo = new float[3];
foreach (GameObject EnemyObj in EnemyGameObjs)
Vector3 thisEnemyPosition = EnemyObj.transform.position;
Vector3 thisEnemyScale = EnemyObj.transform.localScale;
Vector3 MyselfPosition = myself.transform.position;
float thisEnemyWidth = (float)(thisEnemyScale.x / 2) - EnemyWidthRedundancy;
float thisEnemyDistance = Vector3.Distance(MyselfPosition, thisEnemyPosition);
if (thisEnemyPosition == MyselfPosition)
//Debug.Log("OH It's me");
EnemyIndex += 1;
Vector3 Vertical = new Vector3(0, 100, 0);//垂直向上的向量
Vector3 EnemytoMe = MyselfPosition - thisEnemyPosition;//Enemy和自机连线,指向自机的向量
Vector3 LHorizontal = Vector3.Cross(Vertical, EnemytoMe);// 垂直于EnemytoMe与Vertical向量所组成的面的,且指向<-左侧的小向量<- Enemy
Vector3 RHorizontal = Vector3.Cross(EnemytoMe, Vertical);// 垂直于EnemytoMe与Vertical向量所组成的面的,且指向->右侧的小向量Enemy ->
float standaedization = (float)thisEnemyWidth / Vector3.Distance(thisEnemyPosition, RHorizontal);//计算需要缩小的比例
RHorizontal *= standaedization;//应用缩小比例,标准化完成
LHorizontal *= standaedization;//应用缩小比例,标准化完成
Vector3 LMetoEnemy = LHorizontal - EnemytoMe;//自机与左侧边界连线Me<- Enemy
Vector3 RMetoEnemy = RHorizontal - EnemytoMe;//自机与右侧边界连线Enemy ->Me
Vector3 L0toEnemy = LHorizontal + thisEnemyPosition;// Enemy左侧绝对坐标
Vector3 R0toEnemy = RHorizontal + thisEnemyPosition;// Enemy右侧绝对坐标
float LMetoEnemyDist = Vector3.Distance(MyselfPosition, L0toEnemy);
float RMetoEnemyDist = Vector3.Distance(MyselfPosition, R0toEnemy);
Vector3 LEnemyInView = agentCam.WorldToViewportPoint(L0toEnemy);//Enemy左侧于视角中位置
Vector3 REnemyInView = agentCam.WorldToViewportPoint(R0toEnemy);//Enemy右侧于视角中位置
//Debug.DrawRay(thisEnemyPosition, EnemytoMe, Color.white);//Enemy和自机连线,指向自机的向量
//Debug.DrawRay(thisEnemyPosition, Vertical, Color.white);//垂直向上的向量
//Debug.DrawRay(thisEnemyPosition, LHorizontal, Color.red);// 垂直于Vc与Vertical向量所组成的面的,且指向<-左侧的小向量<- Enemy
//Debug.DrawRay(thisEnemyPosition, RHorizontal, Color.green);// 垂直于Vc与Vertical向量所组成的面的,且指向->右侧的小向量Enemy ->
//Debug.DrawRay(MyselfPosition, LMetoEnemy, Color.red);//自机与左侧边界连线<- Enemy
//Debug.DrawRay(MyselfPosition, RMetoEnemy, Color.green);//自机与右侧边界连线Enemy ->
//Debug.Log("EnemyObj" + EnemyIndex + "Position:" + thisEnemyPosition);
if (LEnemyInView.x >= (thisEnemyWidth - attentionRange / 2) && LEnemyInView.x <= (thisEnemyWidth + attentionRange / 2) && LEnemyInView.z > 0)
Ray LRay = new Ray(MyselfPosition, LMetoEnemy);
RaycastHit LHit;
if (showEnemySensor)
Debug.DrawRay(LRay.origin, LRay.direction * LMetoEnemyDist, Color.white);//自机与左侧边界连线<- Enemy
//Ray Hit Something
if (Physics.Raycast(MyselfPosition, LMetoEnemy, out LHit, LMetoEnemyDist))
//Ray Hit Enemy
if (LHit.collider.tag == EnemyTagName && System.Math.Abs(LHit.distance - thisEnemyDistance) <= thisEnemyWidth)
if (showEnemySensor)
Debug.DrawRay(LRay.origin, LRay.direction * LHit.distance, Color.red);//自机与所击中物体的连线
//Debug.Log("Hit Tag = " + LHit.collider.tag);
if (showEnemySensor)
Debug.DrawRay(LRay.origin, LRay.direction * LHit.distance, Color.cyan);//自机与所击中物体的连线
//Debug.LogWarning("Hit Tag = " + LHit.collider.tag);
Debug.LogError("LRAY HIT NOTHING, Check Code!");
if (REnemyInView.x >= (thisEnemyWidth - attentionRange / 2) && REnemyInView.x <= (thisEnemyWidth + attentionRange / 2) && REnemyInView.z > 0)
Ray RRay = new Ray(MyselfPosition, RMetoEnemy);
RaycastHit RHit;
if (showEnemySensor)
Debug.DrawRay(RRay.origin, RRay.direction * RMetoEnemyDist, Color.white);//自机与左侧边界连线<- Enemy
//Ray Hit Something
if (Physics.Raycast(MyselfPosition, RMetoEnemy, out RHit, RMetoEnemyDist))
//Ray Hit Enemy
if (RHit.collider.tag == EnemyTagName && System.Math.Abs(RHit.distance - thisEnemyDistance) <= thisEnemyWidth)
if (showEnemySensor)
Debug.DrawRay(RRay.origin, RRay.direction * RHit.distance, Color.red);//自机与所击中物体的连线
//Debug.Log("Hit Tag = " + LHit.collider.tag);
if (showEnemySensor)
Debug.DrawRay(RRay.origin, RRay.direction * RHit.distance, Color.cyan);//自机与所击中物体的连线
//Debug.LogWarning("Hit Tag = " + LHit.collider.tag);
Debug.LogError("RRAY HIT NOTHING, Check Code!");
//Debug.LogWarning("EnemyIndex" + EnemyIndex);
//Debug.Log("thisLDistanceList" + thisLDistanceList.Count);
//Debug.Log("thisRDistanceList" + thisRDistanceList.Count);
if (System.Math.Min(thisLDistanceList[EnemyIndex], thisRDistanceList[EnemyIndex]) < MinEnemyDis)
//Debug.Log("EnemyIndex" + EnemyIndex);
MinEnemyDis = System.Math.Min(thisLDistanceList[EnemyIndex], thisRDistanceList[EnemyIndex]);
MinEnemyIndex = EnemyIndex;
// 获取最近敌人的准确位置信息
MinEnemyInfo[0] = (float)MinEnemyIndex;
if(MinEnemyInfo[0] <= 0)
MinEnemyInfo[1] = MaxDistance;
MinEnemyInfo[2] = MaxDistance;
MinEnemyInfo[1] = EnemyGameObjs[MinEnemyIndex].transform.position.x;
MinEnemyInfo[2] = EnemyGameObjs[MinEnemyIndex].transform.position.z;
return (EnemyIndex, thisLDistanceList, thisRDistanceList,MinEnemyInfo);
// 全局Ray探测处理
(float[], float[]) eyeSensorRay(int rayNum, Camera agentCam, float viewDistance)
//初始化result Array
float[] thisRayTagResult = new float[rayNum];
float[] thisRayDisResult = new float[rayNum];
for (int a = 0; a <= rayNum - 1; a = a + 1)
Vector3 point = new Vector3(a * agentCam.pixelWidth / (rayNum - 1), agentCam.pixelHeight / 2, 0);//发射位置
Ray ray = agentCam.ScreenPointToRay(point);
RaycastHit hit;
if (showEyeSensor)
Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * viewDistance, Color.black);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, viewDistance))
thisRayTagResult[a] = tagToInt(hit.collider.tag);
thisRayDisResult[a] = hit.distance;
if (showEyeSensor)
Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * hit.distance, Color.yellow);
thisRayTagResult[a] = -1f;
thisRayDisResult[a] = -1f;
return (thisRayTagResult, thisRayDisResult);
void Start()
rayTagResult = new float[rayNum];
rayDisResult = new float[rayNum];
void Update()
(rayTagResult, rayDisResult) = eyeSensorRay(rayNum, agentCam, viewDistance);
(allEnemyNum, enemyLDisList, enemyRDisList, focusEnemyInfo) = enemySensorRay(myself, agentCam, attentionRange);
Debug.LogWarning("rayNum :" + rayNum);
for (int i =0;i < rayNum; i++)
Debug.Log("rayTagResult" + rayTagResult[i] + "rayDisResult"+ rayDisResult[i]);
Debug.LogWarning("EnemyNum Include Me:" + allEnemyNum);
for(int i = 0; i < allEnemyNum; i++)
Debug.Log("enemyLDisList" + enemyLDisList[i] + "enemyRDisList" + enemyRDisList[i]);