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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace XCharts.Runtime
/// <summary>
/// Radar coordinate conponnet for radar charts.
/// 雷达图坐标系组件,只适用于雷达图。
/// </summary>
[ComponentHandler(typeof(RadarCoordHandler), true)]
public class RadarCoord : CoordSystem, ISerieContainer
/// <summary>
/// Radar render type, in which 'Polygon' and 'Circle' are supported.
/// |雷达图绘制类型,支持 'Polygon' 和 'Circle'。
/// </summary>
public enum Shape
/// <summary>
/// The position type of radar.
/// |显示位置。
/// </summary>
public enum PositionType
/// <summary>
/// Display at the vertex.
/// |显示在顶点处。
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Display at the middle of line.
/// |显示在两者之间。
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicator of radar chart, which is used to assign multiple variables(dimensions) in radar chart.
/// |雷达图的指示器,用来指定雷达图中的多个变量(维度)。
/// </summary>
public class Indicator
[SerializeField] private string m_Name;
[SerializeField] private double m_Max;
[SerializeField] private double m_Min;
[SerializeField] private double[] m_Range = new double[2] { 0, 0 };
/// <summary>
/// The name of indicator.
/// |指示器名称。
/// </summary>
public string name { get { return FormatterHelper.TrimAndReplaceLine(m_Name); } set { m_Name = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// The maximum value of indicator, with default value of 0, but we recommend to set it manually.
/// |指示器的最大值,默认为 0 无限制。
/// </summary>
public double max { get { return m_Max; } set { m_Max = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// The minimum value of indicator, with default value of 0.
/// |指示器的最小值,默认为 0 无限制。
/// </summary>
public double min { get { return m_Min; } set { m_Min = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// the text conponent of indicator.
/// |指示器的文本组件。
/// </summary>
public Text text { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Normal range. When the value is outside this range, the display color is automatically changed.
/// |正常值范围。当数值不在这个范围时,会自动变更显示颜色。
/// </summary>
public double[] range
get { return m_Range; }
set { if (value != null && value.Length == 2) { m_Range = value; } }
public bool IsInRange(double value)
if (m_Range == null || m_Range.Length < 2) return true;
if (m_Range[0] != 0 || m_Range[1] != 0)
return value >= m_Range[0] && value <= m_Range[1];
return true;
[SerializeField] private bool m_Show;
[SerializeField] private Shape m_Shape;
[SerializeField] private float m_Radius = 100;
[SerializeField] private int m_SplitNumber = 5;
[SerializeField] private float[] m_Center = new float[2] { 0.5f, 0.5f };
[SerializeField] private AxisLine m_AxisLine = AxisLine.defaultAxisLine;
[SerializeField] private AxisName m_AxisName = AxisName.defaultAxisName;
[SerializeField] private AxisSplitLine m_SplitLine = AxisSplitLine.defaultSplitLine;
[SerializeField] private AxisSplitArea m_SplitArea = AxisSplitArea.defaultSplitArea;
[SerializeField] private bool m_Indicator = true;
[SerializeField] private PositionType m_PositionType = PositionType.Vertice;
[SerializeField] private float m_IndicatorGap = 10;
[SerializeField] private int m_CeilRate = 0;
[SerializeField] private bool m_IsAxisTooltip;
[SerializeField] private Color32 m_OutRangeColor = Color.red;
[SerializeField] private bool m_ConnectCenter = false;
[SerializeField] private bool m_LineGradient = true;
[SerializeField] private List<Indicator> m_IndicatorList = new List<Indicator>();
public RadarCoordContext context = new RadarCoordContext();
/// <summary>
/// [default:true]
/// Set this to false to prevent the radar from showing.
/// |是否显示雷达坐标系组件。
/// </summary>
public bool show { get { return m_Show; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Show, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } }
/// <summary>
/// Radar render type, in which 'Polygon' and 'Circle' are supported.
/// |雷达图绘制类型,支持 'Polygon' 和 'Circle'。
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
public Shape shape
get { return m_Shape; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Shape, value)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// the radius of radar.
/// |雷达图的半径。
/// </summary>
public float radius
get { return m_Radius; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Radius, value)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// Segments of indicator axis.
/// |指示器轴的分割段数。
/// </summary>
public int splitNumber
get { return m_SplitNumber; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_SplitNumber, value)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// the center of radar chart.
/// |雷达图的中心点。数组的第一项是横坐标,第二项是纵坐标。
/// 当值为0-1之间时表示百分比,设置成百分比时第一项是相对于容器宽度,第二项是相对于容器高度。
/// </summary>
public float[] center
get { return m_Center; }
set { if (value != null) { m_Center = value; SetAllDirty(); } }
/// <summary>
/// axis line.
/// |轴线。
/// </summary>
public AxisLine axisLine
get { return m_AxisLine; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_AxisLine, value, true)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// Name options for radar indicators.
/// |雷达图每个指示器名称的配置项。
/// </summary>
public AxisName axisName
get { return m_AxisName; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_AxisName, value, true)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// split line.
/// |分割线。
/// </summary>
public AxisSplitLine splitLine
get { return m_SplitLine; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_SplitLine, value, true)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// Split area of axis in grid area.
/// |分割区域。
/// </summary>
public AxisSplitArea splitArea
get { return m_SplitArea; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_SplitArea, value, true)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// Whether to show indicator.
/// |是否显示指示器。
/// </summary>
public bool indicator
get { return m_Indicator; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Indicator, value)) SetComponentDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// The gap of indicator and radar.
/// |指示器和雷达的间距。
/// </summary>
public float indicatorGap
get { return m_IndicatorGap; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_IndicatorGap, value)) SetComponentDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// The ratio of maximum and minimum values rounded upward. The default is 0, which is automatically calculated.
/// |最大最小值向上取整的倍率。默认为0时自动计算。
/// </summary>
public int ceilRate
get { return m_CeilRate; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_CeilRate, value < 0 ? 0 : value)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// 是否Tooltip显示轴线上的所有数据。
/// </summary>
public bool isAxisTooltip
get { return m_IsAxisTooltip; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_IsAxisTooltip, value)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// The position type of indicator.
/// |显示位置类型。
/// </summary>
public PositionType positionType
get { return m_PositionType; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_PositionType, value)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// The color displayed when data out of range.
/// |数值超出范围时显示的颜色。
/// </summary>
public Color32 outRangeColor
get { return m_OutRangeColor; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_OutRangeColor, value)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// Whether serie data connect to radar center with line.
/// |数值是否连线到中心点。
/// </summary>
public bool connectCenter
get { return m_ConnectCenter; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_ConnectCenter, value)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// Whether need gradient for data line.
/// |数值线段是否需要渐变。
/// </summary>
public bool lineGradient
get { return m_LineGradient; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_LineGradient, value)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// the indicator list.
/// |指示器列表。
/// </summary>
public List<Indicator> indicatorList { get { return m_IndicatorList; } }
public bool IsPointerEnter()
return context.isPointerEnter;
public override void SetDefaultValue()
m_Show = true;
m_Shape = Shape.Polygon;
m_Radius = 0.35f;
m_SplitNumber = 5;
m_Indicator = true;
m_IndicatorList = new List<Indicator>(5)
new Indicator() { name = "indicator1", max = 0 },
new Indicator() { name = "indicator2", max = 0 },
new Indicator() { name = "indicator3", max = 0 },
new Indicator() { name = "indicator4", max = 0 },
new Indicator() { name = "indicator5", max = 0 },
center[0] = 0.5f;
center[1] = 0.4f;
splitLine.show = true;
splitArea.show = true;
axisName.show = true;
axisName.name = null;
private bool IsEqualsIndicatorList(List<Indicator> indicators1, List<Indicator> indicators2)
if (indicators1.Count != indicators2.Count) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < indicators1.Count; i++)
var indicator1 = indicators1[i];
var indicator2 = indicators2[i];
if (!indicator1.Equals(indicator2)) return false;
return true;
public bool IsInIndicatorRange(int index, double value)
var indicator = GetIndicator(index);
return indicator == null ? true : indicator.IsInRange(value);
public double GetIndicatorMin(int index)
if (index >= 0 && index < m_IndicatorList.Count)
return m_IndicatorList[index].min;
return 0;
public double GetIndicatorMax(int index)
if (index >= 0 && index < m_IndicatorList.Count)
return m_IndicatorList[index].max;
return 0;
internal void UpdateRadarCenter(Vector3 chartPosition, float chartWidth, float chartHeight)
if (center.Length < 2) return;
var centerX = center[0] <= 1 ? chartWidth * center[0] : center[0];
var centerY = center[1] <= 1 ? chartHeight * center[1] : center[1];
context.center = chartPosition + new Vector3(centerX, centerY);
if (radius <= 0)
context.radius = 0;
else if (radius <= 1)
context.radius = Mathf.Min(chartWidth, chartHeight) * radius;
context.radius = radius;
if (shape == RadarCoord.Shape.Polygon && positionType == PositionType.Between)
var angle = Mathf.PI / indicatorList.Count;
context.dataRadius = context.radius * Mathf.Cos(angle);
context.dataRadius = context.radius;
public Vector3 GetIndicatorPosition(int index)
int indicatorNum = indicatorList.Count;
var angle = 0f;
switch (positionType)
case PositionType.Vertice:
angle = 2 * Mathf.PI / indicatorNum * index;
case PositionType.Between:
angle = 2 * Mathf.PI / indicatorNum * (index + 0.5f);
var x = context.center.x + (context.radius + indicatorGap) * Mathf.Sin(angle);
var y = context.center.y + (context.radius + indicatorGap) * Mathf.Cos(angle);
return new Vector3(x, y);
public void AddIndicator(RadarCoord.Indicator indicator)
public RadarCoord.Indicator AddIndicator(string name, float min, float max)
var indicator = new RadarCoord.Indicator();
indicator.name = name;
indicator.min = min;
indicator.max = max;
return indicator;
public bool UpdateIndicator(int indicatorIndex, string name, float min, float max)
var indicator = GetIndicator(indicatorIndex);
if (indicator == null) return false;
indicator.name = name;
indicator.min = min;
indicator.max = max;
return true;
public RadarCoord.Indicator GetIndicator(int indicatorIndex)
if (indicatorIndex < 0 || indicatorIndex > indicatorList.Count - 1) return null;
return indicatorList[indicatorIndex];
public override void ClearData()
public string GetFormatterIndicatorContent(int indicatorIndex)
var indicator = GetIndicator(indicatorIndex);
if (indicator == null)
return string.Empty;
return GetFormatterIndicatorContent(indicator.name);
public string GetFormatterIndicatorContent(string indicatorName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(indicatorName))
return indicatorName;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_AxisName.labelStyle.formatter))
return indicatorName;
var content = m_AxisName.labelStyle.formatter;
FormatterHelper.ReplaceAxisLabelContent(ref content, indicatorName);
return content;
} |