using UnityEngine; namespace XCharts.Runtime { /// /// Text label of chart, to explain some data information about graphic item like value, name and so on. /// |图形上的文本标签,可用于说明图形的一些数据信息,比如值,名称等。 /// [System.Serializable] public class LabelStyle : ChildComponent, ISerieExtraComponent, ISerieDataComponent { /// /// The position of label. /// |标签的位置。 /// public enum Position { Default, /// /// Outside of sectors of pie chart, which relates to corresponding sector through visual guide line. /// |饼图扇区外侧,通过视觉引导线连到相应的扇区。 /// Outside, /// /// Inside the sectors of pie chart. /// |饼图扇区内部。 /// Inside, /// /// In the center of pie chart. /// |在饼图中心位置。 /// Center, /// /// top of symbol. /// |图形标志的顶部。 /// Top, /// /// the bottom of symbol. /// |图形标志的底部。 /// Bottom, /// /// the left of symbol. /// |图形标志的左边。 /// Left, /// /// the right of symbol. /// |图形标志的右边。 /// Right, /// /// the start of line. /// |线的起始点。 /// Start, /// /// the middle of line. /// |线的中点。 /// Middle, /// /// the end of line. /// |线的结束点。 /// End } [SerializeField] protected bool m_Show = true; [SerializeField] Position m_Position = Position.Default; [SerializeField] protected bool m_AutoOffset = false; [SerializeField] protected Vector3 m_Offset; [SerializeField] protected float m_Rotate; [SerializeField] protected float m_Distance; [SerializeField] protected string m_Formatter; [SerializeField] protected string m_NumericFormatter = ""; [SerializeField] protected float m_Width = 0; [SerializeField] protected float m_Height = 0; [SerializeField] protected IconStyle m_Icon = new IconStyle(); [SerializeField] protected ImageStyle m_Background = new ImageStyle(); [SerializeField] protected TextPadding m_TextPadding = new TextPadding(); [SerializeField] protected TextStyle m_TextStyle = new TextStyle(); protected LabelFormatterFunction m_FormatterFunction; public void Reset() { m_Show = false; m_Position = Position.Default; m_Offset =; m_Distance = 0; m_Rotate = 0; m_Width = 0; m_Height = 0; m_NumericFormatter = ""; m_AutoOffset = false; } /// /// Whether the label is showed. /// |是否显示文本标签。 /// public bool show { get { return m_Show; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Show, value)) SetAllDirty(); } } /// /// The position of label. /// |标签的位置。 /// public Position position { get { return m_Position; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Position, value)) SetVerticesDirty(); } } /// /// formatter of label. /// |标签内容字符串模版格式器。支持用 \n 换行。 /// 模板变量有: /// {.}:圆点标记。 /// {a}:系列名。 /// {a}:系列名。 /// {b}:类目值或数据名。 /// {c}:数据值。 /// {d}:百分比。 /// {e}:数据名。 /// {f}:数据和。 /// 示例:“{b}:{c}” /// public string formatter { get { return m_Formatter; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_Formatter, value)) SetVerticesDirty(); } } /// /// offset to the host graphic element. /// |距离图形元素的偏移 /// public Vector3 offset { get { return m_Offset; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Offset, value)) SetVerticesDirty(); } } /// /// Rotation of label. /// |文本的旋转。 /// public float rotate { get { return m_Rotate; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Rotate, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// 距离轴线的距离。 /// public float distance { get { return m_Distance; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Distance, value)) SetVerticesDirty(); } } /// /// the width of label. If set as default value 0, it means than the label width auto set as the text width. /// |标签的宽度。一般不用指定,不指定时则自动是文字的宽度。 /// /// public float width { get { return m_Width; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Width, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// the height of label. If set as default value 0, it means than the label height auto set as the text height. /// |标签的高度。一般不用指定,不指定时则自动是文字的高度。 /// /// public float height { get { return m_Height; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Height, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// the text padding of label. /// |文本的边距。 /// public TextPadding textPadding { get { return m_TextPadding; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_TextPadding, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// Standard numeric format strings. /// |标准数字格式字符串。用于将数值格式化显示为字符串。 /// 使用Axx的形式:A是格式说明符的单字符,支持C货币、D十进制、E指数、F定点数、G常规、N数字、P百分比、R往返、X十六进制的。xx是精度说明,从0-99。 /// 参考: /// /// public string numericFormatter { get { return m_NumericFormatter; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_NumericFormatter, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// 是否开启自动偏移。当开启时,Y的偏移会自动判断曲线的开口来决定向上还是向下偏移。 /// public bool autoOffset { get { return m_AutoOffset; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_AutoOffset, value)) SetAllDirty(); } } /// /// the sytle of background. /// |背景图样式。 /// public ImageStyle background { get { return m_Background; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_Background, value)) SetAllDirty(); } } /// /// the sytle of icon. /// |图标样式。 /// public IconStyle icon { get { return m_Icon; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_Icon, value)) SetAllDirty(); } } /// /// the sytle of text. /// |文本样式。 /// public TextStyle textStyle { get { return m_TextStyle; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_TextStyle, value)) SetAllDirty(); } } public LabelFormatterFunction formatterFunction { get { return m_FormatterFunction; } set { m_FormatterFunction = value; } } public bool IsInside() { return m_Position == Position.Inside || m_Position == Position.Center; } public bool IsDefaultPosition(Position position) { return m_Position == Position.Default || m_Position == position; } public bool IsAutoSize() { return width == 0 && height == 0; } public Vector3 GetOffset(float radius) { var x = ChartHelper.GetActualValue(m_Offset.x, radius); var y = ChartHelper.GetActualValue(m_Offset.y, radius); var z = ChartHelper.GetActualValue(m_Offset.z, radius); return new Vector3(x, y, z); } public Color GetColor(Color defaultColor) { if (ChartHelper.IsClearColor(textStyle.color)) { return IsInside() ? : defaultColor; } else { return textStyle.color; } } public virtual LabelStyle Clone() { var label = new LabelStyle(); label.m_Show = m_Show; label.m_Position = m_Position; label.m_Offset = m_Offset; label.m_Rotate = m_Rotate; label.m_Distance = m_Distance; label.m_Formatter = m_Formatter; label.m_Width = m_Width; label.m_Height = m_Height; label.m_NumericFormatter = m_NumericFormatter; label.m_AutoOffset = m_AutoOffset; label.m_Icon.Copy(m_Icon); label.m_Background.Copy(m_Background); label.m_TextPadding = m_TextPadding; label.m_TextStyle.Copy(m_TextStyle); return label; } public virtual void Copy(LabelStyle label) { m_Show = label.m_Show; m_Position = label.m_Position; m_Offset = label.m_Offset; m_Rotate = label.m_Rotate; m_Distance = label.m_Distance; m_Formatter = label.m_Formatter; m_Width = label.m_Width; m_Height = label.m_Height; m_NumericFormatter = label.m_NumericFormatter; m_AutoOffset = label.m_AutoOffset; m_Icon.Copy(label.m_Icon); m_Background.Copy(label.m_Background); m_TextPadding = label.m_TextPadding; m_TextStyle.Copy(label.m_TextStyle); } } }