using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace XCharts.Runtime { [System.Serializable] public class IconStyle : ChildComponent { public enum Layer { /// /// The icon is display under the label text. /// 图标在标签文字下 /// UnderText, /// /// The icon is display above the label text. /// 图标在标签文字上 /// AboveText } [SerializeField] private bool m_Show = false; [SerializeField] private Layer m_Layer; [SerializeField] private Align m_Align = Align.Left; [SerializeField] private Sprite m_Sprite; [SerializeField] private Image.Type m_Type; [SerializeField] private Color m_Color = Color.white; [SerializeField] private float m_Width = 20; [SerializeField] private float m_Height = 20; [SerializeField] private Vector3 m_Offset; [SerializeField] private bool m_AutoHideWhenLabelEmpty = false; public void Reset() { m_Show = false; m_Layer = Layer.UnderText; m_Sprite = null; m_Color = Color.white; m_Width = 20; m_Height = 20; m_Offset =; m_AutoHideWhenLabelEmpty = false; } /// /// Whether the data icon is show. /// |是否显示图标。 /// public bool show { get { return m_Show; } set { m_Show = value; } } /// /// 显示在上层还是在下层。 /// public Layer layer { get { return m_Layer; } set { m_Layer = value; } } /// /// The image of icon. /// |图标的图片。 /// public Sprite sprite { get { return m_Sprite; } set { m_Sprite = value; } } /// /// How to display the icon. /// |图片的显示类型。 /// public Image.Type type { get { return m_Type; } set { m_Type = value; } } /// /// 图标颜色。 /// public Color color { get { return m_Color; } set { m_Color = value; } } /// /// 图标宽。 /// public float width { get { return m_Width; } set { m_Width = value; } } /// /// 图标高。 /// public float height { get { return m_Height; } set { m_Height = value; } } /// /// 图标偏移。 /// public Vector3 offset { get { return m_Offset; } set { m_Offset = value; } } /// /// 水平方向对齐方式。 /// public Align align { get { return m_Align; } set { m_Align = value; } } /// /// 当label内容为空时是否自动隐藏图标 /// public bool autoHideWhenLabelEmpty { get { return m_AutoHideWhenLabelEmpty; } set { m_AutoHideWhenLabelEmpty = value; } } public IconStyle Clone() { var iconStyle = new IconStyle(); = show; iconStyle.layer = layer; iconStyle.sprite = sprite; iconStyle.type = type; iconStyle.color = color; iconStyle.width = width; iconStyle.height = height; iconStyle.offset = offset; iconStyle.align = align; iconStyle.autoHideWhenLabelEmpty = autoHideWhenLabelEmpty; return iconStyle; } public void Copy(IconStyle iconStyle) { show =; layer = iconStyle.layer; sprite = iconStyle.sprite; type = iconStyle.type; color = iconStyle.color; width = iconStyle.width; height = iconStyle.height; offset = iconStyle.offset; align = iconStyle.align; autoHideWhenLabelEmpty = iconStyle.autoHideWhenLabelEmpty; } } }