using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
namespace XCharts.Runtime
/// The base class of all graphs or components.
/// |所有图形的基类。
public partial class BaseGraph
/// The x of graph.
/// |图形的X
public float graphX { get { return m_GraphX; } }
/// The y of graph.
/// |图形的Y
public float graphY { get { return m_GraphY; } }
/// The width of graph.
/// |图形的宽
public float graphWidth { get { return m_GraphWidth; } }
/// The height of graph.
/// |图形的高
public float graphHeight { get { return m_GraphHeight; } }
/// The position of graph.
/// |图形的左下角起始坐标。
public Vector3 graphPosition { get { return m_GraphPosition; } }
public Rect graphRect { get { return m_GraphRect; } }
/// The postion of pointer.
/// |鼠标位置。
public Vector2 pointerPos { get; protected set; }
/// Whether the mouse pointer is in the chart.
/// |鼠标是否在图表内。
public bool isPointerInChart { get; protected set; }
/// 警告信息。
public string warningInfo { get; protected set; }
/// 强制开启鼠标事件检测。
public bool forceOpenRaycastTarget { get { return m_ForceOpenRaycastTarget; } set { m_ForceOpenRaycastTarget = value; } }
/// 鼠标点击回调。
public Action onPointerClick { set { m_OnPointerClick = value; m_ForceOpenRaycastTarget = true; } }
/// 鼠标按下回调。
public Action onPointerDown { set { m_OnPointerDown = value; m_ForceOpenRaycastTarget = true; } }
/// 鼠标弹起回调。
public Action onPointerUp { set { m_OnPointerUp = value; m_ForceOpenRaycastTarget = true; } }
/// 鼠标进入回调。
public Action onPointerEnter { set { m_OnPointerEnter = value; m_ForceOpenRaycastTarget = true; } }
/// 鼠标退出回调。
public Action onPointerExit { set { m_OnPointerExit = value; m_ForceOpenRaycastTarget = true; } }
/// 鼠标开始拖拽回调。
public Action onBeginDrag { set { m_OnBeginDrag = value; m_ForceOpenRaycastTarget = true; } }
/// 鼠标拖拽回调。
public Action onDrag { set { m_OnDrag = value; m_ForceOpenRaycastTarget = true; } }
/// 鼠标结束拖拽回调。
public Action onEndDrag { set { m_OnEndDrag = value; m_ForceOpenRaycastTarget = true; } }
/// 鼠标滚动回调。
public Action onScroll { set { m_OnScroll = value; m_ForceOpenRaycastTarget = true; } }
/// 设置图形的宽高(在非stretch pivot下才有效,其他情况需要自己调整RectTransform)
public virtual void SetSize(float width, float height)
if (LayerHelper.IsFixedWidthHeight(rectTransform))
rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(width, height);
Debug.LogError("Can't set size on stretch pivot,you need to modify rectTransform by yourself.");
/// 重新初始化Painter
public void SetPainterDirty()
m_PainerDirty = true;
/// Redraw graph in next frame.
/// |在下一帧刷新图形。
public void RefreshGraph()
m_RefreshChart = true;
public void RefreshAllComponent()
/// 检测警告信息。
public string CheckWarning()
warningInfo = CheckHelper.CheckChart(this);
return warningInfo;
/// 移除并重新创建所有图表的Object。
public void RebuildChartObject()
public bool ScreenPointToChartPoint(Vector2 screenPoint, out Vector2 chartPoint)
var relative = Display.RelativeMouseAt(screenPoint);
if (relative !=
screenPoint = relative;
var cam = canvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay ? null : canvas.worldCamera;
if (!RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(rectTransform,
screenPoint, cam, out chartPoint))
return false;
return true;