using System; using UnityEngine; namespace XCharts.Runtime { /// /// the name of axis. /// |坐标轴名称。 /// [Serializable] public class AxisName : ChildComponent { [SerializeField] private bool m_Show; [SerializeField] private string m_Name; [SerializeField] private LabelStyle m_LabelStyle = new LabelStyle(); /// /// Whether to show axis name. /// |是否显示坐标名称。 /// public bool show { get { return m_Show; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Show, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// the name of axis. /// |坐标轴名称。 /// public string name { get { return m_Name; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_Name, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// The text style of axis name. /// |文本样式。 /// public LabelStyle labelStyle { get { return m_LabelStyle; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_LabelStyle, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } public static AxisName defaultAxisName { get { var axisName = new AxisName() { m_Show = false, m_Name = "axisName", m_LabelStyle = new LabelStyle() }; axisName.labelStyle.position = LabelStyle.Position.End; return axisName; } } public AxisName Clone() { var axisName = new AxisName(); = show; = name; axisName.m_LabelStyle.Copy(m_LabelStyle); return axisName; } public void Copy(AxisName axisName) { show =; name =; m_LabelStyle.Copy(axisName.labelStyle); } } }