using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace XCharts.Runtime { /// /// Settings related to axis label. /// |坐标轴刻度标签的相关设置。 /// [Serializable] public class AxisLabel : LabelStyle { [SerializeField] private int m_Interval = 0; [SerializeField] private bool m_Inside = false; [SerializeField] private bool m_ShowAsPositiveNumber = false; [SerializeField] private bool m_OnZero = false; [SerializeField] private bool m_ShowStartLabel = true; [SerializeField] private bool m_ShowEndLabel = true; [SerializeField] private TextLimit m_TextLimit = new TextLimit(); /// /// The display interval of the axis label. /// |坐标轴刻度标签的显示间隔,在类目轴中有效。0表示显示所有标签,1表示隔一个隔显示一个标签,以此类推。 /// public int interval { get { return m_Interval; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Interval, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// Set this to true so the axis labels face the inside direction. /// |刻度标签是否朝内,默认朝外。 /// public bool inside { get { return m_Inside; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Inside, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// Show negative number as positive number. /// |将负数数值显示为正数。一般和`Serie`的`showAsPositiveNumber`配合使用。 /// public bool showAsPositiveNumber { get { return m_ShowAsPositiveNumber; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_ShowAsPositiveNumber, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// 刻度标签显示在0刻度上。 /// public bool onZero { get { return m_OnZero; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_OnZero, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// Whether to display the first label. /// |是否显示第一个文本。 /// public bool showStartLabel { get { return m_ShowStartLabel; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_ShowStartLabel, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// Whether to display the last label. /// |是否显示最后一个文本。 /// public bool showEndLabel { get { return m_ShowEndLabel; } set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_ShowEndLabel, value)) SetComponentDirty(); } } /// /// 文本限制。 /// public TextLimit textLimit { get { return m_TextLimit; } set { if (value != null) { m_TextLimit = value; SetComponentDirty(); } } } public override bool componentDirty { get { return m_ComponentDirty || m_TextLimit.componentDirty; } } public override void ClearComponentDirty() { base.ClearComponentDirty(); textLimit.ClearComponentDirty(); } public static AxisLabel defaultAxisLabel { get { return new AxisLabel() { m_Show = true, m_Interval = 0, m_Inside = false, m_Distance = 8, m_TextStyle = new TextStyle(), }; } } public new AxisLabel Clone() { var axisLabel = new AxisLabel(); = show; axisLabel.formatter = formatter; axisLabel.interval = interval; axisLabel.inside = inside; axisLabel.distance = distance; axisLabel.numericFormatter = numericFormatter; axisLabel.width = width; axisLabel.height = height; axisLabel.showStartLabel = showStartLabel; axisLabel.showEndLabel = showEndLabel; axisLabel.textLimit = textLimit.Clone(); axisLabel.textStyle.Copy(textStyle); return axisLabel; } public void Copy(AxisLabel axisLabel) { show =; formatter = axisLabel.formatter; interval = axisLabel.interval; inside = axisLabel.inside; distance = axisLabel.distance; numericFormatter = axisLabel.numericFormatter; width = axisLabel.width; height = axisLabel.height; showStartLabel = axisLabel.showStartLabel; showEndLabel = axisLabel.showEndLabel; textLimit.Copy(axisLabel.textLimit); textStyle.Copy(axisLabel.textStyle); } public void SetRelatedText(ChartText txt, float labelWidth) { m_TextLimit.SetRelatedText(txt, labelWidth); } public string GetFormatterContent(int labelIndex, string category) { if (m_FormatterFunction != null) { return m_FormatterFunction(labelIndex, 0, category); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category)) return category; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Formatter)) { return m_TextLimit.GetLimitContent(category); } else { var content = m_Formatter; FormatterHelper.ReplaceAxisLabelContent(ref content, category); return m_TextLimit.GetLimitContent(content); } } public string GetFormatterContent(int labelIndex, double value, double minValue, double maxValue, bool isLog = false) { if (showAsPositiveNumber && value < 0) { value = Math.Abs(value); } if (m_FormatterFunction != null) { return m_FormatterFunction(labelIndex, value, null); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Formatter)) { if (isLog) { return ChartCached.NumberToStr(value, numericFormatter); } if (minValue >= -1 && minValue <= 1 && maxValue >= -1 && maxValue <= 1) { int minAcc = ChartHelper.GetFloatAccuracy(minValue); int maxAcc = ChartHelper.GetFloatAccuracy(maxValue); int curAcc = ChartHelper.GetFloatAccuracy(value); int acc = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(minAcc, maxAcc), curAcc); return ChartCached.FloatToStr(value, numericFormatter, acc); } return ChartCached.NumberToStr(value, numericFormatter); } else { var content = m_Formatter; FormatterHelper.ReplaceAxisLabelContent(ref content, numericFormatter, value); return content; } } public string GetFormatterDateTime(int labelIndex, double value, double minValue, double maxValue) { if (m_FormatterFunction != null) { return m_FormatterFunction(labelIndex, value, null); } var timestamp = (int) value; var dateTime = DateTimeUtil.GetDateTime(timestamp); var dateString = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(numericFormatter)) { dateString = DateTimeUtil.GetDateTimeFormatString(dateTime, maxValue - minValue); } else { dateString = dateTime.ToString(numericFormatter); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Formatter)) { var content = m_Formatter; FormatterHelper.ReplaceAxisLabelContent(ref content, dateString); return m_TextLimit.GetLimitContent(content); } else { return m_TextLimit.GetLimitContent(dateString); } } } }