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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using XUGL;
namespace XCharts.Runtime
/// <summary>
/// Tooltip component.
/// |提示框组件。
/// </summary>
[ComponentHandler(typeof(TooltipHandler), true)]
public class Tooltip : MainComponent
/// <summary>
/// Indicator type.
/// |指示器类型。
/// </summary>
public enum Type
/// <summary>
/// line indicator.
/// |直线指示器
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// shadow crosshair indicator.
/// |阴影指示器
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// no indicator displayed.
/// |无指示器
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// crosshair indicator, which is actually the shortcut of enable two axisPointers of two orthometric axes.
/// |十字准星指示器。坐标轴显示Label和交叉线。
/// </summary>
public enum Trigger
/// <summary>
/// Triggered by data item, which is mainly used for charts that don't have a category axis like scatter charts or pie charts.
/// |数据项图形触发,主要在散点图,饼图等无类目轴的图表中使用。
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Triggered by axes, which is mainly used for charts that have category axes, like bar charts or line charts.
/// |坐标轴触发,主要在柱状图,折线图等会使用类目轴的图表中使用。
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Trigger nothing.
/// |什么都不触发。
/// </summary>
[SerializeField] private bool m_Show = true;
[SerializeField] private Type m_Type;
[SerializeField] private Trigger m_Trigger = Trigger.Item;
[SerializeField] private string m_ItemFormatter;
[SerializeField] private string m_TitleFormatter;
[SerializeField] private string m_Marker = "●";
[SerializeField] private float m_FixedWidth = 0;
[SerializeField] private float m_FixedHeight = 0;
[SerializeField] private float m_MinWidth = 0;
[SerializeField] private float m_MinHeight = 0;
[SerializeField] private string m_NumericFormatter = "";
[SerializeField] private int m_PaddingLeftRight = 10;
[SerializeField] private int m_PaddingTopBottom = 10;
[SerializeField] private bool m_IgnoreDataShow = false;
[SerializeField] private string m_IgnoreDataDefaultContent = "-";
[SerializeField] private bool m_ShowContent = true;
[SerializeField] private bool m_AlwayShowContent = false;
[SerializeField] private Vector2 m_Offset = new Vector2(18f, -25f);
[SerializeField] private Sprite m_BackgroundImage;
[SerializeField] private Image.Type m_BackgroundType = Image.Type.Simple;
[SerializeField] private Color m_BackgroundColor;
[SerializeField] private float m_BorderWidth = 2f;
[SerializeField] private bool m_FixedXEnable = false;
[SerializeField] private float m_FixedX = 0f;
[SerializeField] private bool m_FixedYEnable = false;
[SerializeField] private float m_FixedY = 0f;
[SerializeField] private float m_TitleHeight = 25f;
[SerializeField] private float m_ItemHeight = 25f;
[SerializeField] private Color32 m_BorderColor = new Color32(230, 230, 230, 255);
[SerializeField] private LineStyle m_LineStyle = new LineStyle(LineStyle.Type.None);
[SerializeField] private LabelStyle m_IndicatorLabelStyle = new LabelStyle();
private LabelStyle m_TitleLabelStyle = new LabelStyle()
textStyle = new TextStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft }
private List<LabelStyle> m_ContentLabelStyles = new List<LabelStyle>()
new LabelStyle() { textPadding = new TextPadding(0, 5, 0, 0), textStyle = new TextStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft } },
new LabelStyle() { textPadding = new TextPadding(0, 20, 0, 0), textStyle = new TextStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft } },
new LabelStyle() { textPadding = new TextPadding(0, 0, 0, 0), textStyle = new TextStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight } }
public TooltipContext context = new TooltipContext();
public TooltipView view;
/// <summary>
/// Whether to show the tooltip component.
/// |是否显示提示框组件。
/// </summary>
public bool show
get { return m_Show; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Show, value)) { SetAllDirty(); SetActive(value); } }
/// <summary>
/// Indicator type.
/// |提示框指示器类型。
/// </summary>
public Type type
get { return m_Type; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Type, value)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// Type of triggering.
/// |触发类型。
/// </summary>
public Trigger trigger
get { return m_Trigger; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_Trigger, value)) SetAllDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// The string template formatter for the tooltip title content. Support for wrapping lines with \n.
/// The placeholder {I} can be set separately to indicate that the title is ignored and not displayed.
/// Template see itemFormatter.
/// |提示框标题内容的字符串模版格式器。支持用 \n 换行。可以单独设置占位符{i}表示忽略不显示title。
/// 模板变量参考Toolip的itemFormatter。
/// </summary>
public string titleFormatter { get { return m_TitleFormatter; } set { m_TitleFormatter = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// a string template formatter for a single Serie or data item content. Support for wrapping lines with \n.
/// Template variables are {.}, {a}, {b}, {c}, {d}.</br>
/// {.} is the dot of the corresponding color of a Serie that is currently indicated or whose index is 0.</br>
/// {a} is the series name of the serie that is currently indicated or whose index is 0.</br>
/// {b} is the name of the data item serieData that is currently indicated or whose index is 0, or a category value (such as the X-axis of a line chart).</br>
/// {c} is the value of a Y-dimension (dimesion is 1) from a Serie that is currently indicated or whose index is 0.</br>
/// {d} is the percentage value of Y-dimensions (dimesion is 1) from serie that is currently indicated or whose index is 0, with no % sign.</br>
/// {e} is the name of the data item serieData that is currently indicated or whose index is 0.</br>
/// {f} is sum of data.</br>
/// {.1} represents a dot from serie corresponding color that specifies index as 1.</br>
/// 1 in {a1}, {b1}, {c1} represents a serie that specifies an index of 1.</br>
/// {c1:2} represents the third data from serie's current indication data item indexed to 1 (a data item has multiple data, index 2 represents the third data).</br>
/// {c1:2-2} represents the third data item from serie's third data item indexed to 1 (i.e., which data item must be specified to specify).</br>
/// {d1:2: F2} indicates that a formatted string with a value specified separately is F2 (numericFormatter is used when numericFormatter is not specified).</br>
/// {d:0.##} indicates that a formatted string with a value specified separately is 0.## (used for percentage, reserved 2 valid digits while avoiding the situation similar to "100.00%" when using f2 ).</br>
/// Example: "{a}, {c}", "{a1}, {c1: f1}", "{a1}, {c1:0: f1}", "{a1} : {c1:1-1: f1}"</br>
/// |提示框单个serie或数据项内容的字符串模版格式器。支持用 \n 换行。
/// 模板变量有{.}、{a}、{b}、{c}、{d}、{e}。</br>
/// {.}为当前所指示或index为0的serie的对应颜色的圆点。</br>
/// {a}为当前所指示或index为0的serie的系列名name。</br>
/// {b}为当前所指示或index为0的serie的数据项serieData的name,或者类目值(如折线图的X轴)。</br>
/// {c}为当前所指示或index为0的serie的y维(dimesion为1)的数值。</br>
/// {d}为当前所指示或index为0的serie的y维(dimesion为1)百分比值,注意不带%号。</br>
/// {e}为当前所指示或index为0的serie的数据项serieData的name。</br>
/// {f}为数据总和。</br>
/// {.1}表示指定index为1的serie对应颜色的圆点。</br>
/// {a1}、{b1}、{c1}中的1表示指定index为1的serie。</br>
/// {c1:2}表示索引为1的serie的当前指示数据项的第3个数据(一个数据项有多个数据,index为2表示第3个数据)。</br>
/// {c1:2-2}表示索引为1的serie的第3个数据项的第3个数据(也就是要指定第几个数据项时必须要指定第几个数据)。</br>
/// {d1:2:f2}表示单独指定了数值的格式化字符串为f2(不指定时用numericFormatter)。</br>
/// {d:0.##} 表示单独指定了数值的格式化字符串为 0.## (用于百分比,保留2位有效数同时又能避免使用 f2 而出现的类似于"100.00%"的情况 )。</br>
/// 示例:"{a}:{c}"、"{a1}:{c1:f1}"、"{a1}:{c1:0:f1}"、"{a1}:{c1:1-1:f1}"
/// </summary>
public string itemFormatter { get { return m_ItemFormatter; } set { m_ItemFormatter = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// the marker of serie.
/// |serie的符号标志。
/// </summary>
public string marker { get { return m_Marker; } set { m_Marker = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Fixed width. Higher priority than minWidth.
/// |固定宽度。比 minWidth 优先。
/// </summary>
public float fixedWidth { get { return m_FixedWidth; } set { m_FixedWidth = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Fixed height. Higher priority than minHeight.
/// |固定高度。比 minHeight 优先。
/// </summary>
public float fixedHeight { get { return m_FixedHeight; } set { m_FixedHeight = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Minimum width. If fixedWidth has a value, get fixedWidth first.
/// |最小宽度。如若 fixedWidth 设有值,优先取 fixedWidth。
/// </summary>
public float minWidth { get { return m_MinWidth; } set { m_MinWidth = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Minimum height. If fixedHeight has a value, take priority over fixedHeight.
/// |最小高度。如若 fixedHeight 设有值,优先取 fixedHeight。
/// </summary>
public float minHeight { get { return m_MinHeight; } set { m_MinHeight = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Standard numeric format string. Used to format numeric values to display as strings.
/// Using 'Axx' form: 'A' is the single character of the format specifier, supporting 'C' currency,
/// 'D' decimal, 'E' exponent, 'F' number of vertices, 'G' regular, 'N' digits, 'P' percentage,
/// 'R' round tripping, 'X' hex etc. 'XX' is the precision specification, from '0' - '99'.
/// |标准数字格式字符串。用于将数值格式化显示为字符串。
/// 使用Axx的形式:A是格式说明符的单字符,支持C货币、D十进制、E指数、F定点数、G常规、N数字、P百分比、R往返、X十六进制的。xx是精度说明,从0-99。
/// 参考:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-numeric-format-strings
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
public string numericFormatter
get { return m_NumericFormatter; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetClass(ref m_NumericFormatter, value)) SetComponentDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// the text padding of left and right. defaut:5.
/// |左右边距。
/// </summary>
public int paddingLeftRight { get { return m_PaddingLeftRight; } set { m_PaddingLeftRight = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// the text padding of top and bottom. defaut:5.
/// |上下边距。
/// </summary>
public int paddingTopBottom { get { return m_PaddingTopBottom; } set { m_PaddingTopBottom = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Whether to show ignored data on tooltip.
/// |是否显示忽略数据在tooltip上。
/// </summary>
public bool ignoreDataShow { get { return m_IgnoreDataShow; } set { m_IgnoreDataShow = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// The default display character information for ignored data.
/// |被忽略数据的默认显示字符信息。
/// </summary>
public string ignoreDataDefaultContent { get { return m_IgnoreDataDefaultContent; } set { m_IgnoreDataDefaultContent = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// The background image of tooltip.
/// |提示框的背景图片。
/// </summary>
public Sprite backgroundImage { get { return m_BackgroundImage; } set { m_BackgroundImage = value; SetComponentDirty(); } }
/// <summary>
/// The background type of tooltip.
/// |提示框的背景图片显示类型。
/// </summary>
public Image.Type backgroundType { get { return m_BackgroundType; } set { m_BackgroundType = value; SetComponentDirty(); } }
/// <summary>
/// The background color of tooltip.
/// |提示框的背景颜色。
/// </summary>
public Color backgroundColor { get { return m_BackgroundColor; } set { m_BackgroundColor = value; SetComponentDirty(); } }
/// <summary>
/// Whether to trigger after always display.
/// |是否触发后一直显示提示框浮层。
/// </summary>
public bool alwayShowContent { get { return m_AlwayShowContent; } set { m_AlwayShowContent = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Whether to show the tooltip floating layer, whose default value is true.
/// It should be configurated to be false, if you only need tooltip to trigger the event or show the axisPointer without content.
/// |是否显示提示框浮层,默认显示。只需tooltip触发事件或显示axisPointer而不需要显示内容时可配置该项为false。
/// </summary>
public bool showContent { get { return m_ShowContent; } set { m_ShowContent = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// The position offset of tooltip relative to the mouse position.
/// |提示框相对于鼠标位置的偏移。
/// </summary>
public Vector2 offset { get { return m_Offset; } set { m_Offset = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// the width of tooltip border.
/// |边框线宽。
/// </summary>
public float borderWidth
get { return m_BorderWidth; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_BorderWidth, value)) SetVerticesDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// the color of tooltip border.
/// |边框颜色。
/// </summary>
public Color32 borderColor
get { return m_BorderColor; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetColor(ref m_BorderColor, value)) SetVerticesDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// enable fixedX.
/// |是否固定X位置。
/// </summary>
public bool fixedXEnable
get { return m_FixedXEnable; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_FixedXEnable, value)) SetVerticesDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// the x positionn of fixedX.
/// |固定X位置的坐标。
/// </summary>
public float fixedX
get { return m_FixedX; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_FixedX, value)) SetVerticesDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// enable fixedY.
/// |是否固定Y位置。
/// </summary>
public bool fixedYEnable
get { return m_FixedYEnable; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_FixedYEnable, value)) SetVerticesDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// the y position of fixedY.
/// |固定Y位置的坐标。
/// </summary>
public float fixedY
get { return m_FixedY; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_FixedY, value)) SetVerticesDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// height of title text.
/// |标题文本的高。
/// </summary>
public float titleHeight
get { return m_TitleHeight; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_TitleHeight, value)) SetComponentDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// height of content text.
/// |数据项文本的高。
/// </summary>
public float itemHeight
get { return m_ItemHeight; }
set { if (PropertyUtil.SetStruct(ref m_ItemHeight, value)) SetComponentDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// the label style of tooltip axis indicator label.
/// |提示框的坐标轴指示器文本的样式。
/// </summary>
public LabelStyle indicatorLabelStyle
get { return m_IndicatorLabelStyle; }
set { if (value != null) { m_IndicatorLabelStyle = value; SetComponentDirty(); } }
/// <summary>
/// the textstyle of title.
/// |标题的文本样式。
/// </summary>
public LabelStyle titleLabelStyle
get { return m_TitleLabelStyle; }
set { if (value != null) { m_TitleLabelStyle = value; SetComponentDirty(); } }
/// <summary>
/// the textstyle list of content.
/// |内容部分的文本样式列表。和列一一对应。
/// </summary>
public List<LabelStyle> contentLabelStyles
get { return m_ContentLabelStyles; }
set { if (value != null) { m_ContentLabelStyles = value; SetComponentDirty(); } }
/// <summary>
/// the line style of indicator line.
/// |指示线样式。
/// </summary>
public LineStyle lineStyle
get { return m_LineStyle; }
set { if (value != null) m_LineStyle = value; SetComponentDirty(); }
/// <summary>
/// 组件是否需要刷新
/// </summary>
public override bool componentDirty
get { return m_ComponentDirty || lineStyle.componentDirty || indicatorLabelStyle.componentDirty; }
public override void ClearComponentDirty()
/// <summary>
/// 当前提示框所指示的Serie索引(目前只对散点图有效)。
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<int, List<int>> runtimeSerieIndex = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
/// <summary>
/// The data index currently indicated by Tooltip.
/// |当前提示框所指示的数据项索引。
/// </summary>
public List<int> runtimeDataIndex { get { return m_RuntimeDateIndex; } internal set { m_RuntimeDateIndex = value; } }
private List<int> m_RuntimeDateIndex = new List<int>() {-1, -1 };
/// <summary>
/// Keep Tooltiop displayed at the top.
/// |保持Tooltiop显示在最顶上
/// </summary>
public void KeepTop()
public override void ClearData()
/// <summary>
/// 清除提示框指示数据
/// </summary>
internal void ClearValue()
for (int i = 0; i < runtimeDataIndex.Count; i++) runtimeDataIndex[i] = -1;
/// <summary>
/// 提示框是否显示
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsActive()
return gameObject != null && gameObject.activeInHierarchy;
/// <summary>
/// 设置Tooltip组件是否显示
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flag"></param>
public void SetActive(bool flag)
if (gameObject && gameObject.activeInHierarchy != flag)
gameObject.SetActive(alwayShowContent ? true : flag);
/// <summary>
/// 更新文本框位置
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pos"></param>
public void UpdateContentPos(Vector2 pos)
if (view != null)
if (fixedXEnable) pos.x = fixedX;
if (fixedYEnable) pos.y = fixedY;
/// <summary>
/// 设置文本框是否显示
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flag"></param>
public void SetContentActive(bool flag)
if (view == null)
view.SetActive(alwayShowContent ? true : flag);
/// <summary>
/// 当前提示框是否选中数据项
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsSelected()
foreach (var index in runtimeDataIndex)
if (index >= 0) return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// 指定索引的数据项是否被提示框选中
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsSelected(int index)
foreach (var temp in runtimeDataIndex)
if (temp == index) return true;
return false;
public void ClearSerieDataIndex()
foreach (var kv in runtimeSerieIndex)
public void AddSerieDataIndex(int serieIndex, int dataIndex)
if (!runtimeSerieIndex.ContainsKey(serieIndex))
runtimeSerieIndex[serieIndex] = new List<int>();
public bool isAnySerieDataIndex()
foreach (var kv in runtimeSerieIndex)
if (kv.Value.Count > 0) return true;
return false;
public bool IsTriggerItem()
return trigger == Trigger.Item;
public bool IsTriggerAxis()
return trigger == Trigger.Axis;
public LabelStyle GetContentLabelStyle(int index)
if (m_ContentLabelStyles.Count == 0)
return null;
if (index < 0)
index = 0;
else if (index > m_ContentLabelStyles.Count - 1)
index = m_ContentLabelStyles.Count - 1;
return m_ContentLabelStyles[index];